Virtual Tour

Since its inception in 1963, the University has sought to promote the cross-fertilisation between Chinese and Western academic and cultural traditions. This zone introduces the following:

Information of 'Student Exchange Programmes', 'China Connections', 'Sustainable Development', and 'Alumni Photo Album' is available on the touch-screen monitors.

Overseas Collaborations

The University has over the years established and maintained partnerships with a large number of institutions around the world, including universities, research institutes, centres of learning, governmental agencies and regional and international associations of higher learning. To date, CUHK has established over 420 international partnership programmes with some 260 institutions outside Hong Kong for research collaborations, faculty exchanges, joint teaching, and student exchanges. In teaching, the University seeks to bring perspectives from different cultures and countries into the curriculum and allows students to develop knowledge and networks that will prepare them for the global workforce.

In pursuit of internationalization, the University has joined a number of associations and networks which serves as a platform for forming partnerships, exchanging ideas and knowledge for teaching and research, and promoting cultural exchange. These include the Worldwide Universities Network, the Asia-Pacific Association for International Education, the Association of University Presidents of China, the Association of Commonwealth Universities, and the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning. In its efforts to develop linkages with international institutions of higher learning, the University receives some 150 international delegations every year. Its senior officers also embark on overseas visits to explore and strengthen connections with partners from time to time.

China Connections

Since 1978, China has adopted the open-door policy. With its bilingual and bicultural tradition, CUHK was the first tertiary institution to help training talent for organizations on the Mainland.

The University has consistently developed academic links and research collaborations with educational and research institutions on the Mainland and in Taiwan. Both the scope and the mode of exchange activities have expanded considerably over the years. A number of academic exchange partnerships have been established with these partners for research collaboration, joint teaching, faculty and student exchanges, and joint academic activities. Each year the University receives over 230 delegations comprising more than 3,500 visitors and visiting scholars from the Mainland and Taiwan. Members of the University go on academic visits to forge collaboration with their Mainland and Taiwan partners. As a research university, CUHK has established over 40 joint research centres/laboratories with its Mainland and Taiwan partners throughout the years.

The University collaborates with the Shenzhen Municipal Government in promoting linkages with Shenzhen in education, scientific research, and training of talent. CUHK has established the CAS-CUHK Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology and the CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute (SZRI) in Shenzhen with the support of the Shenzhen Municipal Government. In 2012, the Ministry of Education approved the establishment of CUHK (Shenzhen).

Student Exchange Programmes

The University is a forerunner in student exchange in the region, starting its first student exchange programme with the University of California system in 1965. Since then, student exchange programmes have been established with some 250 institutions in 30 countries and regions, including Austria, Belgium, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, Taiwan and Thailand. The University now sends out around 900 students on term-time exchange and receives around 1,400 international and non-local students as exchange and visiting students every year to add vigor to its multicultural campus. Besides, over 3,000 students take part in short-term experiential learning programmes of various nature and duration outside Hong Kong annually.


Graduation Certificate of Professor Yu Ying-shih (1952) The satin (1963) Seal of the Vice-Chancellor (1964) Coat of arms (1967) ‘Asian Hero’ Award from the Time Magazine (2003) Naming Certificate of Asteroid 'Kaokuen' (1996) Naming Certificate of Asteroid 'Kaokuen' (1996) A letter from Ch'ien Mu to Tang Chun-i (1960) Student exchange programme signed up with UC (1965)


Opening Hours

Opening Hours

Mon to Fri: 10am - 5pm


Alternate Sat or Sun: 1pm - 5pm


Public Holiday: Closed