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International Networks

CUHK’s membership in a number of international networks and education associations serves as a platform for forming partnerships, exchanging ideas and knowledge for teaching and research, and promoting cultural exchange. Here are the details of these networks and associations, and the opportunities available for faculty and students:

International Networks

Name Description Opportunities
Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) WUN comprises 23 research-intensive institutions across six continents. The Network creates new, multilateral opportunities for international collaboration in research and education.
Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) As the only network of leading universities linking the Americas, Asia and Australasia, APRU is the Voice of Knowledge and Innovation for the Asia-Pacific region. It brings together thought leaders, researchers, and policy-makers to exchange ideas and collaborate on effective solutions to the challenges of the 21st century.
McDonnell International Scholars Academy Inaugurated by Washington University in St. Louis, the McDonnell International Scholars Academy aims to attract talented international students for advanced educational experiences, and provides a means for the US to learn more about the rest of the world. It involves a selected group of partner universities across the world. McDonnell International Scholars Academy Scholarship

McDonnell International Symposium

Eurasia-Pacific Uninet Eurasia-Pacific Uninet was founded in 2000 and is supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research and the Austrian Exchange Service. Its aim is to establish links and partnerships between Austrian institutions and member institutions in East Asia, Central Asia, South Asia and the Pacific region. Scholarships for PhD Students & Post Docs
The United Board Founded in 1922, the United Board is a historic Christian organisation that works with higher education institutions in Asia to develop leadership, collaboration and values among ethnic and religious communities, and civil society. It operates as both a programmatic and grant-making organisation and works in partnership with institutions of higher education in Asia. United Board Fellows Programme


International Education Associations

Name Description Opportunities
Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) APAIE is an international non-profit organisation which aims to strengthen the internationalisation of higher education in the Asia-Pacific region and around the world, and to engage the professional challenges of individuals in international education. CUHK is a founding member of the association. APAIE Annual Conference & Exhibition
Institute of International Education (IIE) IIE, an independent non-profit organisation founded in 1919, is among the world’s largest international education and training organisations. Its objective is to promote closer educational relations and cooperation between the people of the US and those of other countries.
Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Established in 1913, ACU is the world’s first international university network. It has over 500 member institutions in developed and developing countries across the Commonwealth. ACU seeks to address issues in international higher education through a range of projects, networks, and events.
Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL) ASAIHL was founded in 1956 as a non-governmental organisation which consists of members mainly in Southeast Asia, but also in East Asia, Oceania, Europe, and USA. ASAIHL Conferences
International Association of Universities (IAU) IAU, founded in 1950, is the UNESCO-based worldwide association of higher education institutions. It reflects and acts on common concerns and collaborates with various international, regional and national bodies active in higher education. IAU Events