Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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  1. The University respects copyrights and other intellectual property rights and will do its best to comply with the applicable copyright laws, regulations and guidelines. The University is concerned with possible infringement of copyright and other intellectual property rights by its appointees and students, and for which the University may have vicarious liability. All Units/Departments/Schools are therefore requested to help ensure compliance with the applicable laws, regulations and guidelines, and suggest precautionary measures.
  2. Hong Kong's existing Copyright Ordinance came into effect on June 27, 1997 and has been amended for many times to put it beyond doubt that any person who knowingly possesses an infringing copy of a copyright work for the purpose of, in the course of, or in connection with trade or business will commit a criminal offence, regardless of whether the business is involved in dealing in the infringing copies. Both management and the appointer concerned can be liable.

    For details of the Copyright Ordinance (Chapter 528) and the Amendment Ordinance please consult

  3. All appointees shall acquaint themselves with and observe the applicable laws, regulations and guidelines. Acts of infringement/non-compliance may give rise to criminal and civil liabilities against the persons concerned.

  4. Please read carefully the information documents listed in the Schedule. They provide useful guides on prevention against infringement/non-compliance.

  5. The above regulations and guidelines are by no means exhaustive. Members of the University are welcome to consult with the following units:

    Unit to be contacted


    Email/Web Submission

    On the use of library services (including photocopying and use of electronic database and media in the libraries)

    CUHK Library

    3943 7318

    On the use of computer software, internet and other IT services at the University

    Information Technology Services Centre

    3943 8881

    Clearing copyright for course packs

    Copyright Clearing Office
    3943 9732

    Other copyright matters


    3943 7262

    Additional information on how to avoid infringement of copyright laws will also be obtainable from the following websites:

  6. Talk on Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement in Hong Kong
  7. Copyright and Education
  8. Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement in Hong Kong


(1) What is Intellectual Property?

(2) Copyright Related Regulations

(3) Copyright in Education in Hong Kong

(4) Compliance with Copyright Ordinance

(5) Regulations and guidelines applicable to the use of library services at the University

(6) Regulations and guidelines applicable to the use of computer software, internet and other IT services at the University

(7) Guidelines for Classroom Activities

(8) Suggestions on CUSU and its Registered Student Bodies' Compliance of the Copyright Ordinance

(9) Intellectual Property Department New Press Releases


Last Updated: November 16, 2018

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