THE Rankings 2022

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings
11th in Asia
39th in the World

QS World University Rankings 2022

7th in Asia
49th in the World

World University Rankings

Research Facilities

CUHK SBS Lo Kwee-Seong Building

Flow Cytometry and Cell Culture Core

It provides a wide variety of equipment, including BD FACSAria Fusion Flow Cytometer, Fluidigm C1 Single cell Autoprep system, Seahorse Extracellular Flux, etc…
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Histology Core

Histology Core consists of 4 different centers and systems, namely Tissue Processors and Histo-Embedding Centres, Cryotomes …

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Macromolecular and Microarray Core

In the Macromolecular and Microarray Core, it is well-equipped and supported by Microarray and Next Gen Sequencing System, Real Time PCRs …

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iTERM Faculties

Being prepared, well-equipped, so as to embrace each and every opportunity and challenge in the future.

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