Centre for Hospitality and Real Estate Research


Centre for Hospitality and Real Estate Research (CHRER) is the leading source of exceptional research, executive education, and service to Hong Kong’s pillar industries of hospitality and real estate, and the dynamic impact of our work can be seen in the continuing growth and evolution of these industries.

From our establishment in 1999 under the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at CUHK Business School, we have become a highly recognised knowledge hub for stakeholders not only in hospitality and real estate, but also in related industries.

Along with our industry focus studies, we provide robust platforms, including seminars and workshops, to encourage the dissemination and exchange of ideas among our members and globally respected academics. We have also supported the publication of books and research papers covering a wide range of disciplines from Hospitality and Service Management to Real Estate and Finance.

Our engagement with Hong Kong’s pillar industries further extends to executive education, with a comprehensive range of open and specialised programmes, often conducted in collaboration with other leading organisations and foreign universities.

Our expertise and experience also enable us to provide a valuable consulting service to government agencies, business corporations and professional organisations, helping them assess and improve their products and services.

With the growing opportunities within Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta, CHRER’s well-respected reputation and services ensure that we will continue to be the premier locus for industry expertise and information within the region.

Founding Director
Prof. Kam-hon Lee
Emeritus Professor of Marketing, School of Hotel and Tourism Management

Prof. Lisa C. Wan
Associate Professor, School of Hotel and Tourism Management

Associate Director
Dr. Veronica Lin
Professional Consultant, School of Hotel and Tourism Management

Contact Us
7/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building
12 Chak Cheung Street
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

+852 3943 8798
+852 2603 7724