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Knowledge Transfer Initiatives

Project Highlights

Sustainability & Environment

Sustainable Mushroom Urban Farming with Social and Educational Perspectives (KPF17ICF04)

Riding on the science and know-how of cultivating edible mushroom, the team grew mushroom with disposed coffee grounds from student cafes as nutritional supplements. They practised sustainability...

Healthy Living

Improving Access to Psychological Interventions: Developing and Disseminating an E- Mental Health Portal in Hong Kong (KPF18HLF34)

The team aims to transfer their knowledge on clinical psychology and marketing to develop and disseminate an e-mental health portal in Hong Kong. The portal includes evidence-based information,...


Train the trainers: Minority girls and gender justice (KPF18SCF30) (Funded by SIE)

Transnational social movements have shaped minority women’s perceptions towards gender equality. However the lack of space for them to learn about gender issues in the local context and the...

Healthy Living

Innovative healthy lifestyle promotion program with ARIA (KPF18HLF29)

ARIA-Stroke Risk is a health promotion tool that is non-invasive, convenient, fast, and less labour intensive which has been widely used in community settings (i.e. NGOs, health check centre,...

Healthy Living

Enhance Frontline Social Workers and Caregivers’ Knowledge in Dementia Screening (KPF18HLF28)

Digital health is the novel research methodology to visualize cognitive behaviour. The team has developed a digital platform for dementia screening. This project is to promote acceptance of digital...

Healthy Living

An Oral Exercise Training Software for Elders in Hong Kong (KPF18HLF27) (Funded by SIE)

Weaknesses in oral motor muscles are common in elders, which is a major contributor to swallowing and speech problem. By proper training, the oral motor muscles could be strengthened. In order to...

Healthy Living

Speech Therapy Services For Children With Motor Speech Disorders (KPF18HLF26) (Funded by SIE)

Speech sound disorders (SSDs) is one of the common communication problems in children. Apart from giving severity, SSDs can be classified into types according to the causes. This project aims to...

Healthy Living

An evidence-based knowledge transfer program promoting HPV vaccination among men who have sex with men in Hong Kong (KPF18HLF22)

HPV, causing genital warts and penile/anal cancers, is prevalent among local mem who have sex with men (MSM). HPV vaccination is recommended but underutilized prevention strategy. The team...

Healthy Living

Young Onset Diabetes Care Community Campaign (KPF18HLF20)

The rising prevalence of young onset diabetes before the age of 40 affects one in five people with diabetes in Hong Kong. This project aims to arouse the awareness and to educate the public for...

Healthy Living

Online parenting programme for families of children born preterm (KPF18HLF17)

In Hong Kong, there are 7% babies born preterm every year but support for preterm infants and their families are limited. This project aims to establish an online, easily accessible, sustainable...

Healthy Living

3D-printed Soft Robotic Hand for stroke rehabilitation and elderly healthcare (KPF18HLF12) (Funded by SIE)

Stroke-induced disability and the elderly becomes a major issue nowadays with the ageing population. Role of rehabilitation becomes dominant in enhancing patients' quality of life (QOL). A stroke...

Culture and Heritage

Intercultural Education in the Neighborhood: Sustainable community innovation and women’s empowerment from the ground up (KPF18CHF10) (Funded by SIE)

This project provides holistic intercultural education for ethnic and Chinese communities in Hong Kong, in the cognitive, affective, and social domains. Women of different ethnic backgrounds...

Healthy Living

BASIC (Broad Antimicrobial-resistance Service-learning & Intervention in the Community) (KPF18HLF05)

Recognising the utilization of antimicrobial medicines is paramount for prevention of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). BASIC aims to nurture secondary and university students to set good examples...

Culture and Heritage

Realizing children’s potential in language development: input and intervention (KPF18CHF04) (Funded by SIE)

The project aims to assess preschool children's vocabulary in Cantonese and English and their word processing rate. We identify at-risk children with language delay and difficulty in learning...


Promote psychological and behavioural well-beings of preschool children with Autism Spectrum Disorders by implementing a TCM paediatric massage program (小兒推拿) (KPF18SCF01) (Funded by SIE)

Children with autism often have psychological and behavioural problems, which cause difficulties in managing emotions, learning, and establishing relationships. This project aims to reduce these...

Healthy Living


Faecal incontinence (FI) is the involuntary loss of gas, liquid or solid stool per rectum. It is personally and socially incapacitating and only a half of sufferers will volunteer their symptoms...

Healthy Living

“Getting Our Kids Active” – Promoting Motor Skills Proficiency of Hong Kong Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (KPF16ICF06)

The project aims to promote active behaviour of children with development coordination disorder (DCD). A series of community-based activities, along with educational materials, are provided to...


What does sexual orientation and gender identity equality mean for policy makers, service providers and legal and business communities? Using diverse ways to disseminate research findings to stakeholders and creating an interactive database (KPF17ICF28)

Debates on social policy and law related to sexual orientation and gender identity are often overshadowed by emotional debates in Hong Kong rather than based on social scientific empirical...

Culture and Heritage

Wetland Tourism in Four Seasons: Perspectives from Landscape, Foodways, and Community Lifestyles (KPF13ICF19)

Hong Kong’s northwestern coastal wetland area is facing a threat resulting from the decline of freshwater fishing industry, which might cause the loss of both traditional occupation and environment...

Culture and Heritage

Web-based Resource Hub on User Involvement in Welfare Service Management (KPF13INF18)

The project aims to set up a web-based resource hub to support information and resource needs of welfare service organizations in tackling issues of user involvement in service management.  A...

Healthy Living

Virtual Trainer for Exercise and Health Promotion: Transferring Knowledge to Practice (KTP091126F02)

To teach and motivate users of the general public to do regular exercise.  By utilizing the web and SMS messages on the mobile phone, professional knowledge, advice, personalized exercise...

Sustainability and Productivity

Virtual Dietician at 1 touch – Develop an Apple Application on the 1st Hong Kong Commonly used Food and Ingredient Database for Portable Handheld Users (KTP110121F62)

In response to the current Nutrition Labelling Scheme which assists consumers to make informed food choice, encourage food manufactures to apply sound nutrition principles in the formulation of...

Sustainability and Productivity

Vice-Chancellor's Cup of Student Entrepreneurship (VCCE) 2009-10 (KTP091126F13)

Business plan competitions like the Vice Chancellor’s Cup of Student Entrepreneurship offer a practical way to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship among students and faculty.  The VC Cup...

Sustainability and Productivity

Using the Education Resources in China Digital Science and Technology Museum (CDSTM) to Promote Science Education and Literacy in Hong Kong (KTP091126F17)

To promote the use of education resources in the China Digital Science and Technology Museum (CDSTM) to the general public, high school science teachers and students in Hong Kong.  CDSTM is a...

Environment and Communal Harmony

Urban Climatology for Tropical Regions (KTP110121F56)

The project aims to disseminate existing knowledge in tropical and sub-tropical climate regions, to accelerate the knowledge exchange and to educate the general public, the young students and the...


UNEMIA- Business for Social Cohesion and Understanding (KPF17ICF11)

UNEMIA – a project promoting “UNderstanding and EMbracing diversity with evidence-based Impact Assessment”. This social business facilitates inter-groups interactions by conducting social research...

Healthy Living

Transferring Nutrition Knowledge into Practice by Developing a Website for Public Access (KTP110121F48)

This project is to transfer nutrition knowledge by developing a website for public access. Although nutrition information can be found through various channels (television, magazines, internet,...

Healthy Living

Training of Trainers (ToTs) of Evidence-based Health and Medical Humanitarian Response to Field Practitioners in China (KPF13INF07)

The Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC) will conduct Training-of-Trainers (ToTs) workshops with NGO workers in Sichuan and...

Environment and Communal Harmony

Towards A Smart City and Healthy Living (KPF13ICF03)

This project is to promote a sustainable urban development and healthy living, a series of public lectures, training workshops and community engagements will be conducted.  It aims at...

Sustainability and Productivity

To Develop Concept Acquisition Packages for High School Students to Learn Molecular Biology (KPF13INF13)

With the establishment of the New Senior Secondary School (NSS) curriculum in Hong Kong with increased content in molecular biology and biotechnology, we propose to develop three concept...

Environment and Communal Harmony

The Rights of Migrant Woman Sex Workers in Hong Kong (KTP110121F23)

Not even the minorities should fall out of our scope of care - “The Rights of Migrant Women Sex Workers in Hong Kong” project carried out by our Faculty of Law seeks to empower these women by...

Sustainability and Productivity

The Production of an Assessment Tool to Evaluate the Spoken Word Recognition for Hearing-impaired Population (KPF14ICF03)

To produce and disseminate a standardized computer-assisted assessment tool of spoken word recognition ability in Cantonese, and hence to assist the clinical decision for assessing hearing...

Sustainability and Productivity

The Hong Kong Sign Language Basic Sex Education Website (KPF15INF01)

Around the globe, deaf people are at a higher risk of sexual abuse and sexually-transmitted diseases due to limited access to sex education. This project promotes the healthy well-being of deaf...

Culture and Heritage

The Eight Classic Cantonese Operatic Song Cycles (KPF14INF01)

The project aims to revive The Eight Classic Cantonese Operatic Song Cycles through performance, sound recording, and publication of an introductory volume using archival resources held in the...

Healthy Living

The CUHK Eye SMART (Screening of Macular And Retinal diseases for knowledge Transfer) Campaign (KPF17ICF22)

This project transfers the team’s ocular imaging and retinal research knowledge into an eye screening programme to identify individuals who need appropriate follow-up for eye and health problems....

Healthy Living

Telephone-delivered Psycho-educational Intervention Training Program (KTP111206F25)

This project makes use of a Telephone-delivered Psycho-Educational program (TPEI) to help enhance the quality of life of dementia caregivers, who are indeed often known as the ‘secondary patients’....

Environment and Communal Harmony

Technical Knowledge Transfer of Evidence-based Health and Medical Humanitarian Assistance to Field based Practitioners in Emergency and Crisis (KTP091126F09)

The Asia-Pacific region is known to have a high frequency of natural disasters and a high level of population living in absolute poverty.  The project aims to transfer evidence based public...

Environment and Communal Harmony

Sustainable Life & Design for Adapting to Climate Change (KTP111206F41)

Based on the 4th Assessment Report of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), climate change with hot summer is an inevitable future for the whole world. Nowadays more than half the...

Healthy Living

Supporting family carers of people living with dementia with an interactive mobile application (KPF17ICF30)

This project aims to deliver a dementia care psychoeducation intervention to family carers of people living with dementia through a mobile application. Through this app, family carers can receive...

Culture and Heritage

Sounding Treasures: Recording Project of CUHK's Historical Instruments Collection of China 1 (KTP111206F01)

This project aims to stretch the educational potential of Music Department’s resources in terms of academic excellence and material collection to its fullest. It involves 2 parts - one is to...


Social Integration with the 5%: Social Empowerment of Migrant Workers and Intercultural Communication between Migrant Workers and Secondary Students (KPF17ICF19)

Social integration is a two-way street of power relationship. This project aims at 1) acculturation: empowering the migrant workers through understanding Hong Kong culture, society, ordinances and...

Culture and Heritage

Social Education Programme on Hong Kong's 7000-Year History (KTP111206F02)

Addressing to the neglect of local ancient history amongst Hong Kong people, this project aims at providing a platform for the general public, students, tourists and scholars from all around the...

Sustainability and Productivity

Showcasing a CUHK developed real-time tracking system for environmental friendly logistic management (KPF15ICF06)

As the global economy grows, the economic and related logistics activities have continued to consume our natural resources and leave carbon footprints to the environment. To sustain economic...

Healthy Living

Self-learning Platform of Plant Identification with Applied Knowledge in Healthy Living (KPF14INF08)

To develop a user-friendly webpage interface and a continuously upgrading database of specialized plant photos and bioinformatics which include medicinal herbs, nutritive food plants, leisure tree...

Sustainability and Productivity

Self-Learning Kit: Overcoming the Initial Hurdles of Being Employed (KPF13INF02)

Many young employees with secondary education only have great difficulties in adapting to work environment.  Based on the knowledge and experiences of career counseling we accumulated for Hong...

Healthy Living

Robot-based Intervention to Reduce Challenging Behaviors in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (KPF16ICF05)

Children with autism have difficulties in communicating what they need, leading to frustration and challenging and self-injurious behaviours. This project aims to reduce their challenging behaviors...


Robot drama therapy for promoting social competence of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (KPF17ICF07) (Funded by SIE)

Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have deficits in social competence, leading to impairments in social interactions and performance on social tasks. Through robot drama therapy, their...

Environment and Communal Harmony

Representations of Active Ageing and Ageing-in-place: Elderly Participation and Cultural Intervention (KPF14ICF08)

The project aims to increase public awareness of the ageing population with cultural approaches through representations of Hong Kong elderly and ageing-in-place in voices, photos and objects by an...

Sustainability and Productivity

Rental Index and Living Environment of Sub-divided Housing Units (KPF15INF15)

Tenants of sub-divided housing units (SDHU) are vulnerable to any unreasonable rental increase as they are normally the lowest income group, but there is no market rental information available....

Culture and Heritage

Re-envisioning Community Space in Sai Ying Pun (KPF13ICF16)

This outreach project aims to cultivate a sense of belonging in Sai Ying Pun’s community at a time of significant infrastructure development.  Student-ambassadors from King’s College will...

Healthy Living

Pursuing meaningful goals as intervention to reduce loneliness among Hong Kong elders (KPF17ICF10)

Loneliness, a psychological state that adversely impacts on physical and psychological health, is prevalent among older adults in Hong Kong. We are conducting an intervention, based on our research...

Healthy Living

Public Education Program on Computer Assisted Surgery – with Special Theme on How "Technologies Enhancing Patient Care-科技完美醫療" in the Community - Achievements in Computer Assisted Clinical Management and Surgery Developed in CUHK (KTP110121F25)

Computer Assisted Surgery (CAS) has been widely applied in different surgical subspecialties in past decade. The Chinese University of Hong Kong has been pioneering different CAS techniques in...

Healthy Living

Public Education on Sarcopenia Awareness and Fracture Prevention by Online Video Content. An extension of the fall prevention campaign (KPF17ICF03)

Sarcopenia is the age-related loss of muscle mass, strength, and results in physical disability leading to fracture. Public sarcopenia awareness is poor and there is currently limited public health...

Healthy Living

Promotion of Early Language and Communication Intervention for Elders with Dementia (KPF13INF20)

Figures show 15% of elderly suffers from dementia in Hong Kong.  Current non-pharmaceutical treatments focus mainly on memory and attention with little work in communication...

Environment and Communal Harmony

Promoting Solar Energy Mapping in Hong Kong (KTP111206F39)

To promote the use of renewable energy, a mapping tool will be developed based on Google Earth for real-time estimation and mapping of solar radiation and solar energy on building surfaces to...

Healthy Living

Promoting Physical and Health Literacy in Hong Kong Pre-school Teachers, Children and their Families (KPF16ICF03)

This project aims to improve young children’s health-related behaviours by improving teachers’ and parents’ physical and health literacy. By providing talks to parents and measuring their...

Healthy Living

Promoting Men's Health in the IT Era (KTP110121F26)

Culturally, men are often portrayed as being strong and tend not to discuss their health problems publicly, which may cause delay in medical treatment. To raise the awareness of men’s health and...

Healthy Living

Promoting Integrative Chinese-Western Medicine Care Models Through the Development of an Evidence-based Electronic Resource and Training Program (KPF16ICF09)

Evidence from systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials facilitate the development of integrative Chinese-Western healthcare models in an evidence-based manner. This project develops an...

Healthy Living

Preventive Programs on Internet Addiction among Secondary School Students (KPF142ICF13)

To increase awareness regarding Internet addition (IA) among adolescents, through implementing a school-based primary prevention program, and a mentorship and adventure-based in-depth intervention...

Healthy Living

Prevention of Stroke and Enhancement of Life with Aphasia (KPF15ICF05)

"This project aims to disseminate information about stroke and improving life with aphasia. A series of talks and social group activities will be conducted among healthy elderly to raise awareness...

Healthy Living

Planning Ahead: Preparing people with chronic progressive diseases and their carers to plan for end of life care (KPF16INF10)

This project aims to: 1) prepare people with chronic progressive disease and family carers with a better understanding about end-of-life care through an interactive webpage and educational talks;...

Healthy Living

Overcoming Insomnia: Transferring Knowledge to Practice (KTP110121F36)

Insomnia affects 12-40% of the Hong Kong population and is associated with highly detrimental impact on one’s health and functioning. The project aims at empowering the general public to cope with...

Sustainability and Productivity

Organelle Dynamics and Biogenesis in Eukaryotic Cells: Development and Implementation of Video and Application Software (Apps) Learning Modules for Teaching & Learning up-to-date Cell Biology in Secondary Schools and Universities (KTP111206F36)

This project aims at developing a complete set of illuminating eukaryotic organelles for training and updating the most advanced concepts of Cell Biology for high school Biology teachers and...

Healthy Living

OPAL (Outreach Program To Raise Awareness And Improve Lifestyles) For Prevention of Chronic Diseases (KTP110121F57)

The program aims to launch a series of awareness and outreach programs where a team of experienced nurses and health care assistants will use validated risk assessment tools including published...

Environment and Communal Harmony

Nurturing Inclusiveness of the Deaf in Hong Kong Society with Empirical Evidence from Sign Linguistics Research (KTP111206F03)

This project aims at transferring knowledge of 18 years’ of findings of sign linguistics research to the local community, through developing a public education program, to address the long-standing...

Environment and Communal Harmony

Nourishing a Life of Dignity: Healthy Individuals, Resilient Families and Sustainable Communities (KPF14ICF06)

A program that brings together the synergy of psychologists, social workers and urban planners to convey key local stakeholders the importance of the environment in fostering individual well-being...

Culture and Heritage

New Perspectives on Ancient Civilizations (KTP110121F04)

A series of workshops will be provided for high school teachers in Hong Kong to have access to the latest scholarly knowledge about the ancient world (Near East, Greece, Egypt, China) for their...

Healthy Living

Multidisciplinary team for Active and Healthy Ageing in elders of Rural Areas of Hong Kong (KPF15ICF01)

This project aims to identify health needs and evaluate the health and drug-related problems in rural areas elders through public lectures, outreach programme, workshops and online platform "Ask My...

Culture and Heritage

Multiculturalism in Action: Promoting South Asian Culture as Local Heritage (KPF16INF01)

Built on previous studies and application of research knowledge in mainstream society, this project aims to further a holistic understanding of South Asians in Hong Kong by focusing on two very...

Culture and Heritage

Multiculturalism in Action: Promoting Pakistani culture as local heritage (KPF15INF02)

This project pioneers a systematic understanding of the Pakistani component of the local heritages, and seeks to promote cross-cultural awareness and appreciation among different ethnic groups and...

Culture and Heritage

Multiculturalism in Action: Promoting Nepalese Culture as Local Heritage (KPF14INF02)

The project aims at a systematic understanding of the Nepalese component of local heritage, and seeks to promote cross-cultural awareness and appreciation among different ethnic groups and social...

Culture and Heritage

Multiculturalism in Action: Promoting Indian Culture as Local Heritage (KPF13INF01)

The Indian community has since the 19th century contributed to Hong Kong’s multicultural development through its cuisine, religion, and art.  This project pioneers a systematic understanding...

Healthy Living

Mindfulness for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Their Parents: An Education and Practice Programme in the Community (KPF16ICF14)

This project aims to 1) improve mindfulness training skills of healthcare professionals; 2) raise awareness of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and mindfulness-based interventions...

Culture and Heritage

Method as Knowledge: Documenting and Investigating Musics of Hong Kong (I) (KTP110121F02)

The project aims to alert Hong Kong community of the wealth of Hong Kong music cultures and provide training for local specialists such as school teachers and community folklorists to cultivate...

Environment and Communal Harmony

Magic Carpet - Re-envisioning Community Space in Tin Shui Wai (KPF14ICF13)

This outreach project aims to cultivate a sense of belonging in Tin Shui Wai’s community, where teenagers create video-interviews about their neighborhood, using screenings, gatherings and social...


lnterculturalism and Motherhood: Agents of Change in Multicultural Hong Kong (KPF17ICF17)

This project brings together women homemakers of different ethnic origins to develop appreciation of cultural diversity in Hong Kong. Through intercultural experiences they acquire cross-cultural...

Healthy Living

Living with Heart: Online and community-based mindfulness and compassion programs for the promotion of public mental health in Hong Kong (KPF15ICF17)

With mental health problems constituting major disease burden, mental health promotion in the community has important public impact. This project aims to develop an internet-based platform that...

Environment and Communal Harmony

Learning from Neighbourhood Tourism in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong (KTP110121F06)

Hong Kong's Tourism has been facing a considerable competition with some neighbouring destinations such as Macau and South China.  This project makes use of a local neighbourhood in Sheung Wan...

Culture and Heritage

Kunqu and Cantonese Opera Education and Promotion Project (KTP091126F01)

To promote the appreciation for Kunqu (昆曲) and Cantonese opera by introducing the literary and artistic elements to local secondary school students and the general public.  Live performances,...

Healthy Living

Knowledge Transfer to Engage Secondary School Students for Healthy Living of Elders in Our Community (KPF16ICF21)

Early awareness and engagement of younger generation in geriatric care is vital for healthy living in our society and alleviation of the heavy burden on our health system. The project aims to...

Healthy Living

Knowledge Transfer e-Health (KTeH) project on patients who have coronary heart disease or stroke (KTP111206F26)

This project aims to enable the elder people with coronary heart disease or stroke to live in the community and to enhance their ability to cope with the difficulties related to such disease. The...

Culture and Heritage

jcMotion: Packaging e-Knowledge on Media and Society for Netizens in Hong Kong (KPF13INF19)

This is an attempt to repackage academic outputs in refreshing e-formats which are readable and accessible to the general public.  As a communication school, we would like to experiment with...

Environment and Communal Harmony

Investigation of Genetically Modified Papayas in Hong Kong: a Project-based Learning Program for Secondary School Students (KPF16ICF04)

The aims of this project are to arouse the concern for biodiversity and environmental issues among secondary school students through their participation in an investigation of genetically modified...

Healthy Living

Internet Chinese Herbal Medicine Safety Information Platform for General Public and Professional Personnel. Phase I: Pregnancy Safety (KPF14INF07)

To establish an internet platform to provide general and in-depth information regarding the safety concerns of Chinese herbal medicines during pregnancy for both general public and professional...

Environment and Communal Harmony

Interactive Concert for Autism: Integrative Application of Music and Clinical Psychology for Teaching Autism and Cultivating a Harmonic Society (KPF13ICF10)

“Interactive Concert for Autism” is a concept integrating clinical psychology with music that allows developing a cost-effective program teaching people with autism to better express themselves...

Healthy Living

Improving the Quality of End of Life Care for Old Age Home Residents with End Stage Non-cancer Chronic Diseases (KTP110121F33)

With population ageing, there are increasing numbers of people spending the end of life in residential care homes for the elderly (RCHEs). A large number have end stage non cancer illnesses,...

Sustainability and Productivity

Hong Kong Summer Academy on Intellectual Property (KTP111206F22)

This project is a two-week long training programme which will be held at the CUHK Graduate Law Centre in June/ July 2012. The Academy will bring together government officials, scholars and...


Hong Kong Sign language Fundamental Medical Knowledge Databank (KPF17ICF18) (Funded by SIE)

Sign language resources related to basic medical and health knowledge are scarce in Hong Kong. This project sets up an online databank explaining medical concepts in Hong Kong Sign Language with...

Culture and Heritage

Hong Kong Literary Field Trips: Route Planning and On-the-spot Appreciation Project (KTP110121F01)

By bring together with the expertise of scholars, writers and the professional support from the University Library System of CUHK (ULS) and the Government of the HKSAR Education Bureau, this...

Healthy Living

Healthy Eating and Active Living for the Elderly (KPF13ICF05)

An easy-to-follow promotion materials for the elderly, their family members and care-givers to enhance their awareness of healthy food choice and active lifestyle in Hong Kong to promote the...

Healthy Living

Grief Detection and Management for Caregivers of People with Dementia (KPF14ICF10)

The project aims to develop a guideline of protocol for clinical and social service professionals to identify grief and loss of family caregivers of people with dementia and provide necessary...

Sustainability and Productivity

Global Entrepreneurship Week Hong Kong (GEW Hong Kong) (KTP110121F14)

This will be held in November 2011 to promote value creation, innovation and entrepreneurship, and to encourage students and research staff to meet and interact with entrepreneurs who can act as...

Healthy Living

Formation of Free Fatty Acids, Trans Fatty Acids and Acrylamide in Edible Oils during Different Cooking Process (KPF13INF16)

The project aims to assess the quality and the safety level of cooking oil among the local restaurants and catering services and provide a sounded management system for the trade to adopt sound...

Healthy Living

Family Approach in Support of Families Living with Dementia (KPF13ICF06)

The project aims to develop a guideline for effectively carrying out family assessment and intervention to families with people with dementia in the perspective of family system, together with a...

Healthy Living

Establishment of Geriatric Orthopaedics Co-Management for Sarcopenia - A Joint Effort to Postpone Frailty and to Prevent Fragility Fractures (KPF15INF08)

To cope with increasing elderly healthcare demand with the aging population, management of geriatric orthopaedic problems caused by sarcopenia is urgently needed. This project aims to promote the...

Healthy Living

Establishment of Fracture Liaison Services to Prevent Secondary Fractures and Enhance Post-Fracture Rehabilitation in Community (KPF16ICF20)

Fracture Liaison Service (FLS) is a coordinator-based secondary fracture prevention service for treatment of patients with osteoporotic fractures. FLS incorporates education, vibration treatment,...


Establishment of Fracture Liaison Services to Prevent Secondary Fractures and Enhance Post-Fracture Rehabilitation in Community (KPF16ICF20)

Fracture Liaison Service (FLS) is a coordinator-based secondary fracture prevention service for treatment of patients with osteoporotic fractures. FLS incorporates education, vibration treatment, medication and rehabilitation into a multi-disciplinary programme. This proposal aims to transfer fall prevention knowledge through education screening and assessments, professional training, and individual follow ups, and also stresses on secondary fracture prevention knowledge for those suffered from first fractures.

Project Leader: Prof CHEUNG Wing Hoi (Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology)

Sustainability and Productivity

Entrepreneurial Impact of CUHK Alumni in Hong Kong (KTP091126F12)

To engage the alumni in the nurturing of students in entrepreneurship.  A multi-stage online survey will be conducted on the entrepreneurial impact of CUHK alumni in Hong Kong and the world...

Culture and Heritage

Enhancing Young Children's Executive Function Skills: Transferring Knowledge to Practice Using an Online Professional Learning Community (KPF14INF04)

The project aims at supporting teachers to work with primary school children who have learning and/social difficulties.

Project Leader: Prof SIU Fung Ying Angela...

Sustainability and Productivity

Enhancing Hong Kong Sign Language Education with Intelligent Recognition Systems (KPF14ICF09)

To develop a system to facilitate the learning of Hong Kong Sign Language.  The design has won the prestigious Intel Cup Embedded System Design Contest in 2012.  Related to one ITF...

Healthy Living

Empowering Caregivers to Improve Dysphagia Management (KTP110121F40)

The project emphasizes on knowledge transfer and proposes a 6-phase implementation plan for improving overall dysphagia management in New Territories East. It will empower both nursing home staff...

Environment and Communal Harmony

Elder Law in Hong Kong: Advancing the Rights of Older Persons (KPF16INF07)

This project aims to transfer research knowledge on a range of legal and ethical issues the elderly population in Hong Kong is facing through a one-day workshop for professionals (such as social...

Healthy Living

Effective communications among hearing impaired elderly and their families (KPF15INF13)

The communication burden of family members and/or caregivers with hearing impaired elderly is a problem that needs to be understood by the general community. This project aims to promote early...

Sustainability and Productivity

e-Learning Platform for HKDSE Economics (KPF14INF03)

To develop a free online platform with quality HKDSE Economics learning resources (including multimedia content e.g. voice-recorded presentation for major topics as well as...

Sustainability and Productivity

Dissemination of "Best Practice" in Assessment and Training in Industrial/Organizational Psychology (KTP110121F55)

The aim of this project is to publicize the importance of evidence-based practice in personnel assessment and training. To effect the publicizing of the necessity for using extant psychological...

Sustainability and Productivity

Development of Reagent Kits for Biotechnology Teaching through Forensic Investigations (KTP091126F16)

With the implementation of the New Senior Secondary School Curriculum, secondary teachers and students are faced with the new challenge of teaching and learning advanced biotechnology.  A...

Healthy Living

Development of multimedia interventions to promote cervical cancer prevention among South Asian women in Hong Kong (KPF15INF09)

This project aims to develop socio-culturally relevant multimedia interventions to promote cervical cancer prevention among South Asian women in Hong Kong.

Project Leader: Prof SO Kwok...

Healthy Living

Development of Mobile Phone "App" to Teach Acupuncture Practice for Student and Community People (KTP110121F49)

In this project, two “Apps” will be designed. The first one is made to help acupuncture learner to study acupuncture meridian and non-meridian system. Another one is made for community people to...

Sustainability and Productivity

Development of Hardware Modules for DNA Amplification for New Senior Secondary School (NSS) Biology Teaching and Learning (KTP091126F15)

In the Biology curriculum under the New Senior Secondary School Curriculum, the inclusion of the advanced biotechnology module, which covers the fast-growing DNA technologies, is not only a new...

Healthy Living

Development of Chronic Disease Self-management Program to Community-dwelling People with Mild Neurocognitive Disorder (KPF17ICF06) (Funded by SIE)

This project aims to develop a chronic disease self-management programme for local community-dwelling people with mild neurocognitive disorder (MNCD), in order to help them better manage their...

Healthy Living

Development of a Culturally Sensitive Website to Promote Healthy Lifestyles and the Prevention of Chronic Illness among South Asians in Hong Kong (KPF17ICF25)

This project aims to develop a culturally sensitive multi-language health multimedia website (texts, photos, video and audio materials) to promote healthy lifestyles and the prevention of chronic...

Healthy Living

Development and Dissemination of an Online Exercise and Health Promotion Programme for Hong Kong Middle-aged Chinese: The Virtual Trainer System 3rd Version (KPF14ICF14)

A Virtual Trainer (VT) online system was developed in 2006, and improved in 2010 (KPF project) for encouraging an active lifestyle; and this project intends to further improve VT (3rd version)...

Sustainability and Productivity

Developing Young Short Story Writers in Secondary Schools in Hong Kong – A University-school Partnership Programme (KTP110121F17)

This project aims to address short stories being proposed by the Curriculum Development Council and the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority in the English language curriculum and...


Developing Young Short Story Writers in Secondary Schools in Hong Kong – A University-school Partnership Programme (KTP110121F17)

This project aims to address short stories being proposed by the Curriculum Development Council and the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority in the English language curriculum and assessment guide (Secondary 4-6) (2007) as one of the elective modules. To support the curriculum reform, this programme nurtures young short stories writers in secondary schools in Hong Kong. English teachers from participating schools will be trained by experienced facilitators on how to motivate and guide their students through the process of writing short stories in a positive context. Subsequently, students are encouraged to write collaboratively. Short story writing competition is organized to further reinforce students’ practices.

Project Leader: Prof Barley MAK (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)

Project website: http://uapp2.fed.cuhk.edu.hk/writers/

Culture and Heritage

Database on History of Modern Chinese Thoughts (1830-1930) (KTP091216F01)

The Database, which consists of more than 100 million words, incorporates around 300 historial texts on the socio-political thoughts during the period of 1830 - 1930 in modern China. Newspaper and...

Culture and Heritage

Database for Industrial Contacts (KTP110121F22)

Industrial contacts which have been scattered over different centres and offices of the University are put together with more functions and capabilities for strategic marketing and exploration of...

Sustainability and Productivity

CUHK Programmes and Fellowship of Business Venturing (KTP091126F11)

This project sets up a programme of non-for-credit certificate bearing courses on business venturing for CUHK undergraduate and post-graduate students as well as members of the business...

Sustainability and Productivity

CUHK Open Innovation Network (COIN) (KTP091126F05)

This project enables the University to build a client base for technology transfer.  Companies are invited to join the programme as members enjoy benefits such as being assisted to implement...

Environment and Communal Harmony

CUHK Knowledge Centre for Climate, Urban Climate, Sustainable City Planning and Building Environmental Design (KTP091126F18)

To address the hot and important issue of climate change and urban climate, CUHK researchers have invented solutions including the Air Ventilation Assessment Methodologies to combat the so-called...

Sustainability and Productivity

CUHK Alumni Entrepreneur Network (KTP111206F08a)

The CUHK Alumni Entrepreneur Network (CUAEN) is a series of programmes and activities for connecting CUHK entrepreneurial alumni, students and non-entrepreneurial alumni, to enhance knowledge...

Sustainability and Productivity

CUHK Alumni Entrepreneur Network (KTP110121F13)

This is a continuation project driven by response to the Entrepreneurial Impact of CUHK Alumni.  It creates a web-based network for alumni mentors to share their experience with and expert...

Sustainability and Productivity

Creating and Sustaining "Communities of Practice" for Physical Education Teacher's Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (KTP091126F04)

The project aims to build collaborative and learning communities of Physical Education teachers to share expertise and plan around common goals for the development of a healthy active lifestyle...

Healthy Living

Construction of the First Food Safety Information Database for Hong Kong and Greater China (KTP111206F37)

This project aims at developing a one-stop easy access website with automatically updated comprehensive food safety information for regions in Hong Kong and Greater China. By extracting relevant...

Healthy Living

Comprehensive Geriatric Fragility Fracture Management Programme – From Hospital to Community, Towards Maximal Recovery with Sustainable Healthy Happy Aging at Home (KPF13INF21)

To cope with the increasing demand for elderly health care in the coming future, the focus on geriatric orthopaedic care from inpatient management to a decentralized community comprehensive care...

Healthy Living

Cognitive Behavioural Training (CBT) for Family Caregivers of Dementia – 3rd Phase (KTP110121F28)

The physical and psychological well-being of family caregivers of dementia patients cannot be overlooked. Internet-supported therapeutic interventions have been developed overseas, but these are...

Sustainability and Productivity

China Business Knowledge at CUHK Business School (KTP111206F07)

As China takes its place as a leader of global business, domestic and foreign demand for China-related knowledge and insights is growing. Knowledge centers exist globally but non focus specifically...

Sustainability and Productivity

Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development (CFRED) - Colloquia Series for Academic Years 2012-2014 (KTP111206F21)

CFRED colloquia bring regulators, practitioners and academics together to share knowledge on pressing legal issues central to the economy of Hong Kong. Through this project, CFRED offers the public...

Sustainability and Productivity

Capturing Syllables: Intelligent Mobile App on Pinyin and Jyutping Dictation Trainings for Students and the Hong Kong Community (KPF15INF03)

This project aims to transfer knowledge of findings from an online Pinyin dictation study to the Hong Kong community through developing 2 smartphone apps to assist Cantonese speakers to sharpen the...

Sustainability and Productivity

Building and Sustaining a Reading and Writing Teacher Community for Teachers' Continuing Professional Development (KTP110121F15)

This project facilitates the continuing professional development of Hong Kong English teachers in teaching reading and writing through the establishment of a web-based community of learning, where...

Sustainability and Productivity

Bridging the Expectations between Generation-Y Employees and Generation-X Managers (KTP111206F10)

This project aims at capturing and presenting our knowledge for the expectation differences between young people and employers in Hong Kong with a four-stage process:
Stage One: 5 video-taped...

Healthy Living

An Integrated Community-based Screening and Secondary Prevention Programme to Promote Physical Activity among Physically Inactive Individuals Possessing Risk Factors of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) or being Pre-diabetes (IGT/IFG) (KPF15ICF08)

This project implements diabetes mellitus (DM) screening and secondary DM prevention programmes among sedentary individuals of age 45 or above at risk of DM in public housing estates.

Healthy Living

An Evidence-Based Neuropsychological Intervention for Mildly Cognitive/ Emotionally Deteriorating Elderly in Hong Kong (KPF15ICF07)

This project provides a series of intervention programmes for older adults who show early signs of cognitive and/or mood disorder. The intervention was developed by the research team that is based...

Healthy Living

An Evidence-based Knowledge Transfer Programme Promoting HIV Self-testing with Real-time Online Counseling for Men Who Have Sex with Men in Hong Kong (KPF16ICF10)

HIV threatens healthy living of “men who have sex with men” (MSM). HIV testing is a recommended but under-utilized HIV prevention strategy. Data collected by the project team show that online HIV...

Environment and Communal Harmony

An Electronic Tree Identification Encyclopedia (KTP110121F53)

The project develops a tree identification encyclopedia system which consists of a recognition program and a database to enhance identification of trees in the field using a netbook computer or...

Healthy Living

AMPOULE – Online Drug Information Platform for the Public in Hong Kong (KTP091126F10)

To address the issues of increasing popularity of self-medication as the first-line treatment of mild diseases, and the lack of drug knowledge among the general public, a new online interactive...

Sustainability and Productivity

Advancing CUHK Entrepreneurship Hub (KPF13ICF07)

This project, entitled “Hub for Advancing CUHK Entrepreneurship (ACE Hub)”, aims to systematically advance students, faculty staff, or alumni from idea, startup and growth in entrepreneurial...

Culture and Heritage

Active Ageing: Building an Electronic Archive on the Elderly in Preserving Hong Kong Cultural Heritage (KPF15ICF14)

This project aims at empowering the elderly through participation in cultural activities and visits to community organizers of preservation of intangible cultural heritage in Hong Kong. By...


A Real-time Chinese Sentence Learning Platform for Ethnic Minority Students (KPF17ICF01) (Funded by SIE)

This project aims to establish an open learning platform and provide a real-time demonstration on how an input Chinese sentence is made up from its characters, words, and constituent phrases. It...

Sustainability and Productivity

A Public Education Programme on Biotechnology - Health Concerns of Genetically Modified (GM) Food and Medicinal Products (KTP111206F28)

This project aims at increasing public awareness on the principles and safety issues of genetically modified (GM) food and common medicinal products.  Through an education programme, it...

Healthy Living

A Healthy Eating and Active Living Promotion Programme for Ethnic Minority Children in Hong Kong (KPF14ICF15)

The project promotes the concept of healthy and active lifestyle to improve health of ethnic minority populations locally, through easy-to-follow learning activities and promotion materials for...

Sustainability and Productivity

A Better Categorization and Recommendation Engine on a Mobile Platform for Community Members to Share and Collaborate Instantly (KTP111206F18)

This project builds up a mobile application on both iOS and Android OS platforms, for helping multiple communities’ users to share and collaborate based on their common interests. Experiences,...

Healthy Living

A Model of Knowledge Translation: the Active Healthy Kids Report Card on Physical Activity for Hong Kong Youth (KPF15ICF12)

This project is to develop a Report Card entitled “Active Healthy Kids Hong Kong” to provide a synthesis of the best available evidence on various indicators related to physical activity. It serves...

Healthy Living

Active Hong Kong, Healthy Citizens - A Family-Based Physical Activity, Fundamental Movement Skill, and Nutrition Programme (KPF14ICF04)

This project involves a series of activities including talks, training workshops and CUHK cup targeting 500 children aged 8 to 15 with their parents/caregivers.  With an interactive website...

Healthy Living

Capacity Building for NGO Elderly Service Workers in Cognitive Screening using the Hong Kong Version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (HK-MoCA) for Early Identification of Community Elders Harboring Cognitive Impairment (KPF16INF09)

This project aims to equip professional and semi-professional workers in elderly service of community NGOs with knowledge and skills in cognitive screening using the Hong Kong version of the...

Sustainability and Productivity

Building Vibrant Entrepreneurial Financing System for CUHK (KPF15ICF15)

This project is to ignite a vibrant community on entrepreneurial financing for CUHK-related new ventures, by establishing the CUHK Angel Network and several “sidecar” funds. Healthcare startups...

Healthy Living

Clinical Research Knowledge Transfer of Social Thinking Training Programme for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders to Professionals (KTP111206F24)

With the demand of Social Thinking® Training at a deeper level from professionals, in this project, the emphasis is put on Knowledge transfer and a plan to publish an extended version, Social...

Healthy Living

Collaborative Ambulatory Drug Resources for Elderly (CARxE) - Promoting Medication Safety and Improved Clinical Outcomes Among the Elderly Community Through Telepharmacy and Outreach Services (KTP111206F27)

This project is part of another KPF project called AMPOULE (2009). It aims at developing a new innovative telemedicine channel for the promotion of medication safety to elders and their caretakers...

Sustainability and Productivity

CUHK Alumni Entrepreneur Publication Series (KTP111206F08b)

This book publication project serves as valuable reference materials for entrepreneurship study. They are good publications for circulation amongst alumni associations and networks. The first...

Sustainability and Productivity

Developing and Sustaining the “Support Programme for Secondary School Student Athletes – Fostering Different Levels of Academic and Athletic Development” (KPF16ICF01)

This project aims to develop a sustainable programme to support student athletes in secondary schools, thereby fostering different levels of academic and athletic development. It also aims to draw...

Healthy Living

Development and Implementation of a Positive Psychology Intervention to Improve Mental Health among Secondary School Students and Teachers in Hong Kong (KPF16ICF11)

Mental health problems (e.g. depression) among students and teachers are prevalent, interrelated and consequential. This project develops and implements a positive psychology program to improve...

Sustainability and Productivity

Development of a Virtual Lab on Biochemistry and Biotechnology Techniques for New Senior Secondary (NSS) Biology Curriculum (KTP111206F38)

This project aims at developing an on-line teaching aid for selected topics in biotechnology and biochemistry for the NSS biology curriculum which contain videos and virtual lab experiments and...

Healthy Living

Elderly Care and the Phenomenology of Pain (KPF14ICF02)

A series of visits, workshops and talks to identify the treatments of pain besides physiological treatments that can be derived from the humanities.  The targets are elderly service and...

Healthy Living

Enhance public awareness of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) for youth: Healthy Ear, Healthy Hearing in the community: Transfer professional knowledge to practice (KPF15INF07)

This project puts emphasis on knowledge transfer and hopes to advocate the concept of hearing conservation and to raise public awareness for the youth on how to protect their hearing from...

Healthy Living

Enhance Public Awareness of Sarcopenia (Aging-induced Muscle Atrophy) - Healthy Aging in the Community (KPF14ICF05)

This public health campaign aims to convey the message of the seriousness of sarcopenia (age-related loss of muscle mass) to the stakeholders (i.e. elderly, volunteers and caregivers serving...

Healthy Living

Experience-based service design with the welfare service users (KPF15INF16)

This project supports participatory management in welfare service organizations by providing a practice model of collaborative service design that highlights the experience of service use. Training...

Sustainability and Productivity

Extending CUHK Open Innovation Network (COIN) to University-wide Operation (KTP111206F20)

COIN has been in operations for more than 1 year and welcomed by the industry. This project hoped to spend additional resources to form a “multi-disciplinary” and “Distributed and Centralized” team...

Healthy Living

Fight against Cardiovascular Disease- An online Knowledge Transfer Project (KTP091126F07)

A new initiative to empower the public to prevent and control the occurrence of coronary heart disease, stroke and hypertension.  A website will be developed for free public access to...

Healthy Living

Internet-delivered Course on Active Living for Health in Secondary Schools (KTP091126F03)

To integrate daily life activities such as walking, biking and taking stairs into everyday routines of 3000 secondary 1-3 students from 30 schools.  The emphases are on the benefits of regular...

Sustainability and Productivity

Knowledge Transfer to Increase Access of Cervical Cancer Screening among the Difficult-to-reach Group in Hong Kong: Community-based Training on Screening by Self-sampling (KPF16ICF13)

This project aims to transfer the knowledge of cervical cancer prevention and self-sampling skill to a group of volunteers and to disseminate the knowledge to a wider group of women who are...

Culture and Heritage

Music and the Shaping of Cultural Space: Chaozhou Music in Hong Kong (KPF15INF04)

In collaboration with the Hong Kong Chiu Chow Merchants Mutual Assistance Society’s music group (香港潮商互助社音樂組), this project uses research materials in the Chinese Music Archive and Chinese Opera...

Healthy Living

Platform for Atrial fibrillation Care in Elderly and Disadvantaged population (PACED) (KPF13ICF08)

Atrial fibrillation (AF) increases risk of stroke and particularly dangerous for elderly.  In a previously KPF funded project, the team found that 2% of the elderly may have AF but unaware of...

Healthy Living

Prevention of Vit-D insufficiency and promotion of good bone health for the young population in Hong Kong (KPF15ICF04)

This project aims at promoting health lifestyles for optimal Vit-D status and good bone health for adolescents via knowledge transfer in form of education talks, a web-based education platform and...

Healthy Living

Promoting Healthy Brain Function in Elderly through Cognitive Training Programs and Social Activities (KPF142ICF01)

A series of talks, cognitive training workshops and community social activities to promote healthy brain function in elderly. The targets are day care centers for elderly (aged 60 or above) in Hong...

Sustainability and Productivity

Promoting Junior Secondary Students' Motivation and Skills in Issue-enquiry through Inter-school Game-based Collaborative Learning (KTP111206F12)

This project aims at, through the establishment of an inter-school community of online game-based collaborative learning, promoting Hong Kong junior-secondary students’ motivation and skills in...

Sustainability and Productivity

Promoting nonverbal communication skills among children with Autism Spectrum Disorders through online social robotics (KPF15ICF02)

"Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have delayed development of nonverbal communication skills, especially gesture (spontaneous hand movement produced while talking). Such delay hinders...

Healthy Living

Promoting the Health of Drivers through Understanding Disorders of Transient Impairment of Consciousness (KPF13ICF17)

The health of drivers (>500,000 in Hong Kong) is quintessential subject for promoting healthy-living in the community.  Awareness of medical conditions leading to transient loss of...

Healthy Living

Promotion of healthy lifestyle among middle-aged Chinese population in Hong Kong: An integrated approach using body fat measurement, brief counseling, and mobile apps (KPF15ICF16)

This project aims at promoting healthy lifestyles among middle-aged Chinese population in Hong Kong through professional body fat measurement device, brief counseling, mobile apps, and using an...

Environment and Communal Harmony

Restoration after 3.11: Pain, Suffering, Memory and Trauma (KPF13ICF18)

3.11 is a catastrophe that shocked the world.  The massive destruction of natural environment and local communities in Tohoku area of Japan suggests a difficult path for restoration. ...

Culture and Heritage

Sports Science Support: Coach and Player Education within the Hong Kong Football Association (HKFA) to Develop Structures for Enhancement of Preparation and Performance of the National Football Team (KPF13INF03)

To enhance the sports science knowledge of the coaches and players with the HKFA, thereby developing a structure of professional preparation for training and performance.  Furthermore, this...

Environment and Communal Harmony

Story Taler: Fighting against Mental Illness Stigma through Story-telling Online and Offline (KPF16ICF07)

This project creates conversation opportunities between people with mental illness and the general public using personal stories over face-to-face contact and social media to eradicate stigma and...


Story Taler: Fighting against Mental Illness Stigma through Story-telling Online and Offline (KPF16ICF07)

This project creates conversation opportunities between people with mental illness and the general public using personal stories over face-to-face contact and social media to eradicate stigma and promote well-being. The project also aims to connect stigma reduction strategies with a mental health promotion internet platform to provide a one-stop internet portal that serves to educate emerging and young adults about mental health.

Project Leader: Prof MAK Wing Sze Winnie (Department of Psychology)

Healthy Living

Teaching Patient Safety to Healthcare Workers (KTP091126F06)

For increased awareness and cultural change amongst healthcare workers, high quality web-based teaching materials will be developed and produced to facilitate teaching of courses on Patient Safety...

Sustainability and Productivity

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Moot Cup Competition (KPF13INF06)

The CUHK Moot Cup Competition will provide secondary school students with an invaluable opportunity to understand the importance of Hong Kong’s constitutional systems, human rights and the rule of...

Sustainability and Productivity

The MarsMedia Project: Media Literacy in the New Generation (Pilot project of "The jcMotion Initiative:") (KTP111206F40)

This project aims at building a young and energetic e-platform for enhancing media awareness; offering courses, workshops and day camps for primary and secondary students on media literacy and...

Healthy Living

Training Programs of Geriatric-orthopaedics – with Special Emphasis on Fall and Fragility Fracture Prevention in the Community (KTP091126F08)

A week-long series of workshops and symposium will be organized for a wide range of practitioners in the field – orthopaedic specialists, geriatricians, family physicians, physiotherapists,...
