Where Dreamers Shine

Varsity interviews music bands and dance groups who have experienced difficulties in booking public performing venues.

Life as a Jenga

Varsity meets different organisations which help people reflect their lives and prepare for the arrival of deaths.

Battle against Plastic

Over 17 million pieces of plastic waste are flushed into the sea every year, which pose serious threats to the health of both marine lives and human beings. Varsity looks into how different parties including NGOs and the government combat the problem of plastic pollution.

Gas Chamber

Disparity does not exist only in terms of wealth, but also quality of indoor air in living space. Varsity looks into how poor indoor air quality is taking a toll on the health of low-income households living in subdivided flats.

Calling for More Tree Surgeons

Urban trees are an integral part of Hong Kong’s cityscape but there aren’t enough trained tree experts to manage and take care of them. The government and education sector are trying to change that, but for now working conditions are keeping newcomers away.

The Digital Divide

Varsity meets two groups of people who are challenged technologically - residents in remote villages and the elderly - to understand their sufferings and hopes.

Life after Organ Donation

Despite efforts to promote organ posthumous and living organ donation, Hong Kong still has one of the lowest organ donation rates in the world. And both donors and recipients may encounter not just health challenges but also problems buying health insurance.

Too Many International School Places

It is a misconception that Hong Kong doesn’t have enough international school places. In fact, there are too many, says Ruth Benny from Top Schools.

Too Bright at Night

Residents and district councillors from areas most affected by light pollution tell Varsity that the voluntary Charter on External Lighting implemented in 2016 is not doing much to ease the problem.

Trash or Treasure?

Environmentalists who have lost faith in the government's recycling system have come up with their own solution - setting up community resources sharing centres, where people can pass on items they no longer use to other people.