2020 - 2021 Back

Dear professors and students,

We are really sorry to inform you that in order to reduce the risk of spreading the COVID-2019, we have decided to postpone the 16th Graduate Seminar on China (GSOC) which was originally scheduled for May 28-29, 2020. The new meeting date will be announced as soon as possible. We continue to accept application materials. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Best regards,

Pierre F. Landry & C.Y. Chiu, co-directors

Universities Service Centre for China Studies
CUHK-Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Sixteenth Graduate Seminar on China

May 28 -29, 2020
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Since the early 1960s, generations of scholars have been visiting the Universities Service Centre for China Studies to conduct research and write on contemporary China. Its rich collection and liberal platform for intellectual exchange make the Centre a stimulating research environment for scholars from all around the world. (USC Homepage and USC online catalog)

The Universities Service Centre for China Studies and CUHK-Chiang Ching Kuo Foundation Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies co-organize the Graduate Seminar on China (GSOC) every year. The GSOC promotes research on contemporary China, encourages exchange among Chinese and young overseas scholars, and enhances the capability and broadens the horizon of Ph.D. students in contemporary China studies.

The Sixteenth GSOC will take place from May 28 to 29, 2020 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The theme of this seminar is: “Land in China (1949-2020)”. The main topics include: land reform, land finance, land use, urban planning, regional and rural development, sustainability and the environment. We will consider applicants from all disciplines.


• Geographical Diversity: the conference aims to facilitate academic exchanges between Mainland and overseas scholars by ensuring a proper balance between these groups.
• Interdisciplinary Nature: the conference is open to young researchers in various fields of China studies (contemporary history, political science, sociology, anthropology, geography, urban studies, economics, environmental studies, etc.)
• The working languages of GSOC are English and Chinese.

Applicants need to submit all necessary materials by February 10, 2020. Participants are welcome to conduct research at the Centre before or after the Seminar.

Application Procedure

All Ph.D. candidates (ABDs and 2019 Ph.D. graduates) who are doing research on post-1949 land issues in China are eligible to apply. The following documents should be submitted to gaoqi@cuhk.edu.hk by February 10, 2020. Full papers are due on May 1st 2020.

• An application form: Hong Kong; Mainland; Taiwan & Macau; Overseas (please click to download the application form)
• CV;
• Recommendation letter from thesis supervisor;
• Title and abstract of the paper to be presented at the GSOC (half page);
• You must e-mail your full paper by May 1st 2020 in order to remain on the program.

Costs and Subsidies

1. There is no registration fee. Lunch subsidies will be provided to conference participants. Hotel accommodation will be provided to all outside presenters during the GSOC as well as the Oxfam workshop, which will be held on May 27. If you choose to attend. Please confirm your decision to attend the Oxfam workshop (or not) in your application.

2. Participants are responsible for their own transportation and living expenses. A limited travel subsidy will be provided for some participants. Details will be given to the selected candidates only.

3. Participants must pay for their own expenses if they want to conduct research before or after the seminar. The price of on-campus accommodation, a standard double room is around HK$600 per night, reducible to around HK$300 per head when shared. The costs of meals are around HK$80-100 per day.

4. The exchange rate is US$1 to HK$7.8.

5. We can provide documents for participants who apply for conference support from their home institution.

The conference is open to the public. All are welcome!

For plan your visit to the Centre, please refer to "Useful Information" .

Campus Map

Hong Kong Map