[通識午餐聚會] 開設或修訂大學通識科目 * [GE Lunch Seminar] Proposing or Revising a University General Education Course

2020/01/20 12:30 - 14:00
香港中文大學許讓成樓 701, Hui Yeung Shing Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

通識午餐聚會 GE Lunch Seminar

Proposing or Revising a University General Education Course


自二零零四年起,大學通識科目分為四個範圍,分別為:範圍A 中華文化傳承、範圍B 自然、科學與科技、範圍C 社會與文化,以及範圍D 自我與人文。承蒙全校所有學院四十多個學系全力支持,現時大學通識教育部提供超過三百個大學通識科目。在2018/19學年,一共開設了三百三十七班的大學通識學科,計有超過一萬五千學生修讀。

是次聚會特別為有意在2020/21學年增辦或修訂大學通識科目的學系同仁及老師而設。會上我們將說明 1) 大學通識教育課程的設計理念,2) 大學通識科目審批的程序及準則,3) 提交大學通識科目建議書及庫存科目資料的網上平台 ——GE Course Proposal and Inventory System (GECPI)的操作方法,以及4) 大學通識科目檢討及資料保存的安排。


Brief Description

Starting from 2004, all University General Education (University GE) courses have been categorized into Four Areas: Area A Chinese Cultural Heritage, Area B Nature, Science and Technology, Area C Society and Culture, and Area D Self and Humanity. With the support from over 40 teaching units, more than 300 University GE courses are offered. In the 2018/19 academic year, 337 classes of University GE courses were conducted, and more than 15,000 students enrolled.

This seminar targets at departments and teachers interested in proposing new University GE courses or in revising existing ones for implementation from 2020/21 academic year. We will 1) introduce the design of the University GE programme as a whole, 2) go through the procedures and criteria of University GE course approval, 3) highlight and conduct a concise demonstration of the GE Course Proposal and Inventory System (GECPI), a web based system for the submission of University GE Course Proposals and the inventory of University GE course materials, and 4) briefly discuss the University GE course review and archive arrangements.

*For more information of submission of proposals for introduction and revision of University GE courses in 2020-21, please visit our website.

活動詳情 Details of the Talk
日 期 Date: 2020-1-20 (星期二 Tuesday)
時 間 Time: 12:30 pm to 2 pm
地 點 Venue: 香港中文大學許讓成樓 701, Hui Yeung Shing Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
語言 Language: 英語 English
講者 Speaker: 趙茱莉博士 (大學通識教育部副主任) Dr. Chiu Chu Lee Julie (Associate Director, Office of University General Education)

報名 Registration
Please send an email to Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它  or contact Mr. Andy Heung at 3943-8625.



  • 2020/01/20 12:30 - 14:00

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