Scholarship from the General Education Foundation Programme
Summer Study Trip Scheme 2016-17

Sponsored by the General Education Foundation Development Fund

A. Objectives

This scheme aims at encouraging students to enrich their learning experience in the study of classics and to broaden their horizon by going on overseas study trips.

B. Eligibility

  1. All full-time CUHK undergraduate students (except final-year students).
  2. Attending overseas summer courses that are related to General Education Foundation Programme or core text studies.

C. Financial Assistance

The GEF Programme is offering scholarship of a maximum amount up to HK$40,000 for each successful applicant. Applicants may be invited for an interview. Screening of application and recommendation of grant will be based on the following criteria:

  1. Nature and content of the trip
  2. Academic performance and involvement in General Education Foundation Programme
  3. Financial resources available to the applicant
  4. Previous record of application

D. Application Procedures

  1. Application with full details of the proposed study trip and the following documents should be submitted to the Office of University General Education by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before Friday, 19 May 2017, 2:00pm:

    1. Proof of acceptance issued by the organizer/institution;
    2. Course information issued by the organizer/institution;
    3. Statement of purpose explaining why you would like to attend the course(s) and your goals in the course(s);
    4. A budget for the trip including tuition fee and subsidies received from other sources;
    5. A statement on the financial resources available to you, with documentary proof where necessary;
    6. Samples of works you submitted for your General Education courses, preferably including works submitted for the General Education Foundation Programme;
    7. Your academic transcripts at CUHK;
    8. "Comments of Teacher" form word logo

      Otherwise, your application will NOT be considered.

  2. Successful applicants have to notify the Office of University General Education (OUGE) of any changes in the submitted information, for example, course information*, budget of trip, duration of trip, other source(s) of subsidy and amount, etc. of the study trip before implementation. Scholarship recipients are required to pay back the full amount of scholarship offered if s/he fails to complete the course(s) as required.

*The captioned Scholarship is to support successful applicants to attend the courses specified in the applicants’ original submitted application. Any subsequent change(s) in the enrolled course(s) may result in change or even forfeiture of the Scholarship offer. Successful applicants MUST notify OUGE immediately for any change(s) in the enrolled course(s) and provide the necessary course information to OUGE for re-consideration of the Scholarship offer. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of the Scholarship offer.

E. Report

You are required to submit the following items to the Office of University General Education within two months upon completion of your trip. Any late submissions without justifications may result in cancellation of the scholarship.

  1. Any written works and any other assignment done for the course(s)
  2. Copy of official transcript(s) and any other proof of attendance from the course(s)
  3. Course outlines/syllabi/handouts of the course(s) attended
  4. Summary of actual expenses AND original copies of official receipts
  5. A study trip report of at least 1,000 words (in Chinese or English) plus soft copies of photos*#
  6. A thank-you letter to the donor

*Please provide a link for downloading the soft copies of photos. Submitted reports or portions of them together with the photos may be posted on the website of the General Education Foundation Programme.
#You may be invited to share your study trip experience for the annual General Education Student Seminar.

F. Notes

  1. Applicants should specify other source(s) of subsidy applied for and the amount (if any). False information may result in forfeiture of the subsidy.
  2. The Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (OAFA) administers various scholarships and financial aids. Some colleges also provide scholarships and financial aids for summer overseas programmes for their students. You are encouraged to check with the OAFA and your own college for such opportunities.

For any enquiries, please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

April 11, 2017

Where any discrepancy arises between the Chinese and English versions, the English version shall prevail.