University General Education course arrangement for the additional course add/drop period from 17 to 23 February 2020

2020/02/17 00:00 - 2020/02/23 00:00

University General Education Foundation (GEF) courses offered in Term 2, 2019-20

Regarding the additional Course Add/Drop Period from 17 to 23 February 2020 (University announcement on 5 February 2020), students who wish to ADD/ SWAP a GEF course (UGFH1000/1001 or UGFN1000/1001) must complete an application form (add/drop form for GEF courses) and submit it to the GEF Programme Office by email (sent from CUHK @Link accounts to Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它. Approval of course-add/swap applications is subject to the teacher’s consent and the availability of vacancy in the class. Applications submitted after this additional CUSIS add/drop period will NOT be accepted.

University General Education (University GE) Four-Area courses offered in Term 2, 2019-20

  1. Sudents who wish to add/drop Four-Area courses must do so on CUSIS during the additional course add/drop period. Application for add/drop after this period will not be considered unless there are compelling reasons supported by documentary proof.
  2. The following courses would NOT accept any course-add on CUSIS during the said additional e-add/drop period.
  Course code Course title Unit
1 UGEA1515 Reading Chinese Culture and Politics through Movies 3
2 UGEB1217 Bionic Human and the Future of Being Human 3
3 UGEB2772 Electronic Technologies in Everyday Life 3
4 UGEB2773 The Science of Crime Investigation 2
5 UGEC1281C Understanding Japanese Languages and Culture 3
6 UGEC1281D Understanding Japanese Languages and Culture 3
7 UGEC2011 The Making of Modern Singapore 2
8 UGEC2775 Design on the Future: Sustainability of the Built Environment 3
9 UGED1083 Music and Meaning 2
10 UGED1084 Understanding Musicals: Broadway and Beyond 2
11 UGED2778 Service Leadership 3


  • 2020/02/17 00:00 2020/02/23 00:00

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