Enrichment Activities in 2009 : Documentary show - In Search of the Trojan War (《尋找特洛伊戰爭》)

2009/09/28 00:00
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, G3 Fung King Hey Building

Enrichment Activities in 2009 : Documentary show - In Search of the Trojan War (《尋找特洛伊戰爭》)

Brief Description

Was the Trojan War real? Was it fought just for a woman? After over 3,000 years, can we still find traces of Troy, Mycenae, and other places, artifacts, and customs described by Homer? Can we still find professional storytellers like Homer in our times? If you are interested in knowing the answers to these questions, come to our next lunchtime cultural activity!

We are going to watch selected scenes from a BBC documentary series In Search of the Trojan War, written and presented by the historian Michael Wood. The six-part series attempts to discover whether the events and people of the Trojan War - as described by Homer - were real, or simply a myth. We will watch the one-hour episode called “The Singer of Tales,” and selected scenes from “The Age of the Heroes” and “The Legend under Siege.”

It will take 1.5 hrs to watch the documentary and there will be a discussion afterwards if we have enough time.



  • 2009/09/28 00:00

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