[通識午餐聚會] 思考中大通識教育 4.0 * [GE Lunch Seminar] Reflections on CUHK GE 4.0

2021/01/25 11:30 - 13:30
網上講座 Online Talk

通識午餐聚會 GE Lunch Seminar

思考中大通識教育 4.0
Reflections on CUHK GE 4.0



面對愈趨複雜的全球挑戰,大學似乎需要適時地檢視通識教育課程。作為大學策略計劃的一部分,中大通識 4.0 (GE4.0) 將會是怎樣的面貌?

Brief Description

From the founding of CUHK in 1963, General Education (GE) has been a cornerstone of the University’s undergraduate curriculum. Starting as a College-based programme, it grew into a University GE curriculum comprising seven study areas in the 1980s, before reaching its third and current incarnation in 2012, with two carefully crafted Foundation courses, selected modules in four areas, as well as College GE.

In the face of complex global challenges, a review of the CUHK GE curriculum seems timely. As a part of the University’s new strategic plan, what might CUHK GE 4.0 look like?


陳金樑教授現為香港中文大學常務副校長暨利榮森中國文化教授,香港中文大學 (深圳) 理事會成員,以及大學教育資助委員會 (教資會) 委員。陳教授前為新加坡南洋理工大學 (南大) 文學院講座教授。陳教授於2009年加入南大出任人文、社會科學、藝術設計與傳播信息學院院長,並於2018年1月獲委任為副校長,負責統籌校友事務、大學發展和國際關係。陳教授曾任新加坡國立大學 (NUS) 協理副校長 (本科教育) 及哲學系講座教授。陳教授在香港出生,其後負笈多倫多大學取得宗教研究博士學位。陳教授的研究領域為中國哲學和宗教、詮釋學和批判理論。由陳教授開發名為「Explorations in Confucian Philosophy」的網上教學課程,在Coursera平台已吸引了過萬名人士修讀。

Speaker’s Bio

Professor Alan K.L. Chan is currently the Provost and J.S. Lee Professor of Chinese Culture at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He is also a member of the Governing Board, CUHK-Shenzhen, and has been appointed a member of the University Grants Committee (UGC). Prior to joining CUHK in 2020, Professor Chan was Toh Puan Mahani Idris Daim Chair Professor of Humanities at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Professor Chan joined NTU as Dean of the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences in 2009. In January 2018, he was appointed Vice President of NTU, responsible for alumni engagement, university advancement and international relations. Previously he served as Professor of Philosophy and Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education at the National University of Singapore. Professor Chan was born in Hong Kong. He received his PhD in religious studies from the University of Toronto. Professor Chan’s research focuses on Chinese philosophy and religion, and hermeneutics and critical theory. His MOOC on Coursera, “Explorations in Chinese Philosophy” has drawn over 10,000 learners.

活動詳情 Details of the Talk
日 期 Date: 2021-1-25 (星期一 Monday)
時 間 Time: 11:30 am to 1:30 pm
地 點 Venue: ZOOM
語言 Language: 英語 English
講者 Speaker: 陳金樑教授 (常務副校長及利榮森中國文化教授) Prof. Alan K.L. Chan (Provost and J.S. Lee Professor of Chinese Culture)

報名 Registration
Please send an email to Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 or contact Mr. Andy Heung at 3943-8625 on or before 21 January 2021.



  • 2021/01/25 11:30 - 13:30

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