Organized by S. H. Ho College and co-organized by the Office of University General Education on 16 January 2010. Fourteen student essays were selected to be published in a booklet distributed at the seminar, among those nine of them were presented at the seminar.

In Dialogue with Nature




Chan Yik Yeung


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Chan Chau Shuen


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Lam Ka Ming

如果達爾文, 龐加萊, 荀子看過廿二世紀殺人網絡……

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Wong Ching Wai Katrina

Science and Pseudoscience Behind the 2012 Doomsday

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Pierre Lien Feng

Book Report on David Noble's Religion of Technology

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Leung Lai Yan


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Wong Yuk Ping


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Jiang Ying Da

The Technological Society 讀書報告

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Chen Yu Jie


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Li Dong Fang


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Szeto Wan Jun Patricia

Book Report on Aldous Huxley's Island

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Yang Yao


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Shum Kai Yi

Book Report on The Time Machine

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Lau Hiu Kwan


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