PhD, MA (CityU), MBS (HKU), DipEd, BA (CUHK)


  • 大學通識教育部副主任
  • 通識教育基礎課程署理主任



  • 中西現代詩
  • 文學與佛經翻譯
  • 翻譯評論
  • 翻譯史
  • 以通識為本的經典教學
  • 佛學研究



  • 2006:
    • [English translation] Loud Sparrows: Contemporary Chinese Short-Shorts. Co-edited and co-translated with Aili Mu and Howard Goldblatt. Preface by Bei Dao. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • 2003:
    • 《追憶與遺忘——對終極的沉思》(Memory and Oblivion: Mediations on Mortality). 與張燦輝合著,香港:都會文化。
  • 1999:
    • [English translation]《家-香港公屋四十五年》(From Shelter to Home: 45 Years of Public Housing Development in Hong Kong). Chinese-English Bilingual Edition, original written by Leung Mei-yee. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Housing Authority.


  • 2008:
    • [中譯]「多明尼克˙拉卡普拉訪談錄」,拉卡普拉 [Dominick LaCapra] 原著,陳平編譯,《書寫歷史,書寫創傷》 [Writing History, Writing Trauma]. 北京:北京大學出版社,已付印。
  • 2007:
    • [English translation] "All in a Smile" [Chinese original by Eva Tam], in Woman to Love, Man to Quit,《雌雌地等,漫漫地尋》. Hong Kong: MCCM Creations, 26-31.
  • 2006:
    • "Introduction" [researched and refereed, co-authored with Aili Mu]. In Aili Mu, Julie Chiu, and Howard Goldblatt, eds. and trans., Loud Sparrows: Contemporary Chinese Short-Shorts. New York: Columbia University Press. xiii-xxiii.
    • Five essays in The Buddhing Lotus, Vol. 1(2006): 24-31, 56-62, 109-114, 152-58, 188-95. Hong Kong: Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong. ["On the Origin of Mahayana Buddhism: A Critical Review of Existing Theories." "Nagarjuna: A Mahayanist by Rumour or by Choice?" "Do Plants have Buddha Nature?" "Mind Is a Reality." "Flowers, Moon, Breeze and Snow: On Living in the Present Moment, Wonderful Moment."]
    • Editor-in-chief. Buddhing Lotus Vol. 1 (2006). Hong Kong: Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong
    • 《二千零七年的「男」言之隱》 / "The Manifold Reading of Han's 'Man'" [bilingually published, in Chinese and English]. In Man, I Wish I Knew How to Quit You, Hong Kong: Grotto Fine Art, 15-18. [Also published in Woman to Love, Man to Quit 《雌雌地等,漫漫地尋》. Hong Kong: MCCM Creations, May 2007. 44-49, 50-54.]
  • 2005:
    • " Free-verse Poems in Fixed Forms: Tracing the 'Silhouette' of Zheng Chouyu's Early Poems." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 47.2 (Summer 2005): 188-218.
    • 「死亡之舞六百年: 塔羅牌中死亡原始意象的變奏」,梁美儀、張燦輝編《凝視死亡》,香港:中文大學出版社,頁167-205。
  • 2004:
    • "Translators' Rights and Stakes and Rights at Stake: From Harry Potter to International Copyright Legislation (Part I)." Translation Quarterly 33 (September 2004): 1-20.
    • "Translators' Rights and Stakes and Rights at Stake: From Harry Potter to International Copyright Legislation (Part II)." Translation Quarterly 34 (December 2004): 1-27.
    • [English translation] "On Multiple Complementary Norms and the Translation of Poetry." [Summarized and translated from a Chinese article written by Gu Zhenkun.] Twentieth Century Chinese Translation Theory: Modes, Issues and Debates. Ed. Leo Chan. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • 2003:
    • "Rereading Goldblatt's Xiao Hong in the Hulan River Sequel." Translation Quarterly 28 (2003): 88-100.
    • 《回到「女」字「女」體本身:談李惠嫻的看陶識字》 / "Back to the 'Woman' Radical" [bilingually published, in Chinese and in English]. In Woman Unwanted: Artworks by Eva Yuen and Li Wei Han. Hong Kong: MCCM Creations, 5-7. [Also published in Para/Site Art Space 20 (spring 2003): 40-42. Reprinted in Woman to Love, Man to Quit 《雌雌地等,漫漫地尋》. Hong Kong: MCCM Creations, May 2007. 32-33, 34-38.]
  • 2002:
    • "Translating Harry Potter as a Cult of Meanings." Translation Quarterly 25 (Special Issue III, 2002): 1-45.
  • 2001:
    • Shen Fu." Encyclopedia of Life Writing. Ed. Margaretta Jolly. London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 809-10.
  • 1998:
    • [English translation] "T'ang Chun-I's Philosophy of Love." [Chinese original written by Cheung Chan-fai]. Philosophy East and West 48.2 (April 1998): 257-71.