Roles of College GE

There are nine constituent Colleges at CUHK. College General Education is an important feature of undergraduate education at the University, designed as an expression of the unique mission, traditions, and resources of each constituent College. All Colleges offer credit-bearing General Education courses as well as non-credit-bearing learning opportunities, such as, assemblies, overseas learning tours, and various types of co-curricular activities. By providing students with a broad perspective that goes beyond academic pursuits, College General Education contributes to the holistic development of students to become responsible citizens of the world.

Although the academic curriculum varies among Colleges, the College General Education Programmes aim at nurturing students to explore their potential capabilities. In the freshman year, the programmes help students to adapt to university life and to appreciate the essential characteristics of university learning. Throughout the undergraduate years, a collegiate environment is provided to promote interaction among students and teachers from different academic disciplines and cultural backgrounds. Learning opportunities are created to enhance student communication skills and enable them to work in interdisciplinary teams.