BA, MPhil (CUHK), Dr.phil (Freib.) The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Academic Interests
- Phenomenology, esp. Husserl and Heidegger philosophy
- History of Western philosophy
- Philosophy of love
- Philosophy of death
- Utopian thought
- Philosophy of happiness
- 2003 :《追憶與遺忘——對終極的沉思》。與趙茱莉合著。香港:都會文化。
- 1996 :《海德格與胡塞爾現象學》。台北:東大圖書公司。
- 1995 :《人文與通識》。香港:突破出版社。
- 1982 :《將上下而求索:給明慧的二十封信》。與周兆祥合著。香港:山邊社,1982年初版;香港:基督教文藝出版社,2005年新訂版。
- 2008:
- "Experiences with Tang Junyi and His Legacy: Interview by Cheung Chan-fai" (an interview with Donald J. Munro). In Donald J. Munro, Ethics in Action: Workable Guidelines for Public and Private Choices, pp. 71–92. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2008.
- "Boredom and the Beginning of Philosophy". In Tze-wan Kwan, ed. Responsibility and Commitment: Eighteen Essays in Honor of Gerhold K. Becker, pp. 139–153. Waldkirch: Edition Gorz, 2008.
- 2007:
- "Phenomenology and Photography: On Seeing Photographs and Photographic Seeing". In Chan-fai Cheung and Chung-chi Yu, eds. Phenomenology 2005: Selected Essays from Asia, pp. 31–53. Bucharest, Romania: Zetabooks, 2007.
- 〈海德格與實存主義〉。《現象學與當代哲學》,創刊號(2007),頁77–90。
- 〈揭開《存在與時間》:釋「無標題前言」〉。與梁家榮合著。《現象學與當代哲學》,創刊號(2007),頁121–143。
- "Tang Junyi and the Philosophy of 'General Education'". In Wm. Theodore de Bary, Confucian Tradition and Global Education, pp. 59–73. Hong Kong:The Chinese University Press; New York: Columbia University Press, 2007.
- 〈通識教育作為體現大學理念的場所:香港中文大學的實踐模式〉。《大學通識報》,第二期(2007年3月),頁39–51。
- 〈現象學與攝影:從觀看相片到攝影的觀看〉。《現象學與人文科學》,第三期(2007),頁285–302。
- 2005:
- 〈我與他者之間──情愛現象與情愛現象學〉。《中國現象學與哲學評論》,第七輯(2005),頁165–180。〈「艾羅思」與「桑那托思」:墳場中的裸體雕塑──愛與死之默想〉。載梁美儀、張燦輝合編:《凝視死亡──死與人間的多元省思》,頁279–302。香港:中文大學出版社,2005。
- 2004:
- "Separation and Connection: Phenomenology of Door and Window". In David Carr and Chan-fai Cheung, eds. Space, Time, and Culture, pp. 253–262. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
- "The Phenomenon of Death and Dying—A Meditation on My Mortality". In Hans-Georg Moeller and Guenter Wohlfart, eds. Philosophieren ueber den Tod, pp. 65–77. Koeln: Edition Chora, 2004.