Sponsored by the General Education Foundation Development Fund


11:00am – 5:00pm
2 March 2019 (Saturday)




Programme Rundown

10:50am – 11:00am

Registration for Award Presentation Ceremony (YIA 2/F LT6)


11:00am – 12:00nn

Best Essay Award Presentation Ceremony
(Officiated by Prof. Rocky S Tuan, the Vice-Chancellor)

Best Essay Award Presentation Ceremony


Student Activity Fund Sharing and Presentation of Certificates

Student Activity Fund Sharing and Presentation of Certificates

12:00nn – 1:00pm

Phototaking and Lunch Break


1:00pm – 1:10pm

Registration for Student Seminar


1:10pm – 1:15pm

Welcome Address (by Prof. Leung Mei Yee, Director of University General Education)

Welcome Address


Presentation Session I: In Dialogue with Humanity


1:15pm – 1:30pm

Harm Principle and Marx
HUI Ying Kit (Mathematics / Yr 2 / Morningside)

Harm Principle and Marx

1:30pm – 1:45pm

An Open Letter to Undergraduate Students at My University: My Journey in Search of Hope
CHUNG Yuen Tung Joyce (Laws / Yr 2 / Morningside)

An Open Letter to Undergraduate Students at My University: My Journey in Search of Hope

1:45pm – 2:00pm

How Much to the Individual, and How Much to Society? Of Self-interest and Common Good
MAN Cheuk Ying Tiffany (Mechanical and Automation Engineering / Yr 2 / New Asia)

How Much to the Individual, and How Much to Society? Of Self-interest and Common Good

2:00pm – 2:15pm

CHAN Wai (History / Yr 2 / United)


2:15pm – 2:30pm

LEUNG Ho Ching (Government and Public Administration / Yr 2 / Shaw)

論苦難之自我超越 - 東西今古文本對讀

2:30pm – 2:50pm

Feedback and Discussion

Feedback and Discussion


2:50pm – 3:05pm

Short Break


Presentation Session II: In Dialogue with Nature


3:05pm – 3:20pm

CHONG Man Hin (Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis / Yr 4 / Wu Yee Sun)
The Best Presenter


3:20pm – 3:35pm

Why Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Humans---or Will It?
FENG Yuxiao (Risk Management Science / Yr 2 / New Asia)

Why Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Humans - or Will It?

3:35pm – 3:50pm

TSANG Hing Yeung (Linguistics / Yr 4 / Chung Chi)


3:50pm – 4:05pm

Feedback and Discussion

Feedback and Discussion

4:05pm – 4:15pm

Closing Remarks
(by Dr. Wong Bon Wah Baldwin, Convener of the Working Group on GE Student Seminar)

Closing Remarks


4:15pm – 5:00pm

Tea Reception


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