The two foundation courses have been introduced for few semesters already, let's see what students say about the courses. 

  • Students' Sharing at the GEF campus briefing on Feb 2010  videowmv

  • UGFH1000 In Dialogue with Humanity

    • "Having discussions with the teacher and other students can challenge our deep-rooted perceptions."
    • "This course gave me the chance to know more about theories and religions that I have long heard of by their names only. I can now have some reflections on the current society, or even encourage my friends and myself based on what I have learnt."
    • "read books that I had long been looking forward to read, participated in constructive discussions"
    • "The teacher gave sufficient guidance, and led discussions effectively."
    • "Discussions were interesting and students have adequate freedom. Small-class education works very well."
    • "I read many classics, not only from an literary point of view, but I also put them in the contemporary context to think about questions about life and society. During the discussions, the different ideas my classmates brought to class were thought-provoking, and I learnt to enjoy pieces critically. Moreover, the way we read the same text from different perspectives brought very interesting stimulations."
    • "Having read these books is like getting an admission ticket which allows you to go on searching for more modernized and more thorough ideas."
    • "The passages would change your imagination of good society and good life bit by bit. For instance, the Heart Sutra suggests that the world and you are tied inextricably that you cannot survive independently. This may lead you to think: Is the war in Iraq not related to you? Is consumerism unrelated to you?" 
  • UGFN1000 In Dialogue with Nature

    • "The questions discussed were interesting and inspiring. Students do not only study the readings, but also think about questions about life."
    • "I remember that our teacher has asked us a question: How do we believe in something we are not able to see? I would think: I did't see historical events happen, how do I believe in history?"
    • "Now we know discussions in class can effectively help us think more, as well as apply our knowledge in our daily life."
    • "I've taken some General Education courses in which discussions have become Q&A sessions ── asking questions after reading the passage. This course is so unique that discussions are really fruitful."
    • "Having classes with arts and science students at the same time allows us to have more free association. Sometimes you don't really get used to one another's thinking mode, but it's good to have such an experience. If there had been separate classes for arts and science students, we would not have had such a valuable opportunity."
    • "know more about the history and methodology of science"
    • "You don't have to agree with the passages, but you have to try to conceive the author's viewpoint, and then see if you agree with the author. In other words, the second step is to make up your own viewpoint."
    • "Give it a try if you don't like wasting your time!"