1. Login to GECPI
  2. Main Features
  3. Management & Access
  4. Operation Menu

 1. GE Course Proposal and Inventory System (GECPI)

Login to GECPI

(For access to GECPI, please refer to Management and Access)


GECPI is an online system for processing GE course proposals and maintenance of GE course inventory. It enables data capture at source and online conveyance of SCGE/SCGESC recommendations and decisions. All proposals for introduction/ revision/ withdrawal of GE courses should be submitted through GECPI. The system helps to improve the operation efficiency and facilitate maintenance of and access to the GE course inventory for both OUGE, the respective department offices and Colleges.


 2. Main Features

  1. Enable units to raise proposal online for introduction of new course, revision or withdrawal of existing courses;
  2. Enable units to confirm endorsement by Department Board and Faculty Board online;
  3. Enable units to view SCGE/SCGESC's recommendations online;
  4. Enable units to amend the proposal online and keep track of the different versions of the proposal;
  5. Enable units to view the course descriptions (course inventory) of the GE courses they offered; and
  6. Facilitate updating of the learning outcomes at course level in moving forward to full-scale implementation of OBA for GE courses.


 3. Management & Access

Each department and College will be given the following access accounts:

A maximum of TWO DEPARTMENT/COLLEGE SUPERVISOR accounts with the following authority:

  • Submit proposal requests (on behalf of Department Board)
  • Confirm endorsement by Faculty Board
  • All the access rights of the DEPARTMENT/COLLEGE USER listed below.

MULTIPLE DEPARTMENT/COLLEGE USER accounts with the following access right:

  • Create/amend proposal requests
  • View SCGE/ SCGESC's recommendations
  • View and print course description of the GE courses offered by your department from the GE course inventory
  • Application for access to GECPI
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 4. Operation Manual

  • GECPI Work Flow
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  • Operation manual (December 2020 version)
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