1. Course Selection Information for University General Education (UGE)
  2. Course Enrolment Restriction
  3. Schedule for Enrolment

1. Course Selection Information for University General Education (UGE)

1.1 Course selection arrangement

For the details of 2020-21 Term 2, please refer to the following information sheets:

For the details of 2020-21 Term 1, please refer to the following information sheets:


2. Course Enrolment Restriction

2.1 Course ceiling

Students are allowed to take a maximum of two UGE classes, including General Education Foundation (GEF) courses (prefix UGFH/UGFN) and courses in the Four Areas (prefix UGEA/UGEB/UGEC/UGED), per term in Term 1 and Term 2. To enhance system performance, a maximum of two UGE classes, including waitlisted classes, can be put in the “Shopping Cart” under “My Class Schedule”. After reaching the ceiling, students must drop one class before they can add another into the shopping cart.

For the summer term, a maximum of two UGE courses (including GEF courses and courses in the Four Areas) can be enrolled among courses offered in the University Summer Session and those offered in the International Summer School. In respect of the University Summer Session, students will be allowed to enrol in one UGE course during the course registration period and to enrol in the second UGE course during the add/drop period subject to availability of class quota.

2.2 GEF programme requirement (applicable to S6 entrants under the old curriculum and all students under the new curriculum)

a) Students are required to complete the GEF Programme which is comprised of two required courses, namely,

  • UGFH1000 "In Dialogue with Humanity" or UGFH1001 "In Dialogue with Humanity" (Cross-institutional); and
  • UGFN1000 "In Dialogue with Nature" or UGFN1001 "In Dialogue with Nature (Cross-institutional)".

b) Students should have completed or enrolled in at least one of the two GEF courses before they are allowed to enrol in any course(s) in the Four Areas.

2.3 Declaration of/change in major programme

For broadening purposes, there is course enrolment restriction/exclusion with respect to the major studies of the students concerned and to course(s) the students have already taken. Such restriction/exclusion has been stipulated in the "Course List" the Student Handbook. Students who have declared a new major are therefore advised to check the course enrolment restriction/exclusion in the Student Handbook of their admission year. If any of the UGE courses taken by a student in the past fall(s) under the restricted/excluded courses of the student’s new major, the units earned in the past course(s) will be counted towards general elective and overall units completed; and the students have to take further UGE course(s) to make up for the required units.

2.4 Double-coded courses

Some UGE courses are also double-coded with departmental/programme courses. Double-coded courses are indicated in the Student Handbook and the CUSIS Course Catalogue. If students would like to use the units earned from such departmental/programme courses to fulfil UGE requirement and that the GE course enrolment restriction is duly fulfilled, they shall submit an application to the Office of University General Education. Application form can be obtained from our General Office (8/F, Hui Yeung Shing Building) or downloaded online.

If students would like to use the units earned from a UGE course to fulfil programme requirement, they have to apply to the relevant Department/Programme Office, and students should take another UGE course to make up for the required units.


3. Schedule for Enrolment

3.1 Check “My Class Schedule” at respective stages of the course enrolment and add/drop period

All successful enrolment and add/drop of courses will be reflected on “My Class Schedule”. Students must always check “My Class Schedule” on CUSIS and verify their enrolment status at the respective stages of the course enrolment and add/drop period.

3.2 Course selection on CUSIS

a) For the detailed arrangement, please refer to Section 1 "Course Selection Information for University General Education".

b) The medium of instruction of each course is given in the teaching timetable on CUSIS. Students should check carefully before course enrolment. Please refer to the RES webpage for explanation of the abbreviations.

c) Students on the wait list will be enrolled automatically once a vacancy arises. They should check “My Class Schedule” daily to track any changes in enrolment status. If they do not wish to get enrolled, they should drop the course(s) on the wait list immediately to vacate the place(s) for other students who wish to get enrolled.

3.3 The 1st week after term start

Students who have enrolled in or are planning to add any courses should attend/sit in the class and study the necessary course information before making any decision for add/drop.

3.4 CUSIS add/drop period

a) For the detailed arrangement, please refer to Section 1 "Course Selection Information for University General Education".

b) Application for add/drop after this period will NOT be considered unless there are compelling reasons supported by documentary proof.

c) Students on the wait list will be enrolled automatically once a vacancy arises. Negligence to drop a course on wait list will affect the enrolment opportunities of other students and cannot be accepted as a justification for add/drop after this period.

3.5 Special add/drop at GEF/UGE Office

Add/drop application after the CUSIS add/drop period normally will NOT be considered.

a) Course-add can be considered for graduating students who have to take courses of the GEF courses and courses in the Four Areas to fulfil graduation requirement but have failed to enrol in the course(s) even after the close of CUSIS add/drop period. Enrolment is subject to availability of class quota.

b) Any other applications will NOT be considered unless there are compelling reasons. Documentary proof, wherever applicable, should be submitted together with the application. Carelessness or failure to obtain class information before the end of the CUSIS add/drop period will NOT be acceptable reasons.

c) Late application will NOT be considered.


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