通識教育課程團隊榮獲2016教資會傑出教學獎 | General Education Team Awarded 2016 UGC Teaching Award

2016/09/8 00:00
教資會傑出教學獎 UGC Teaching Award


The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has been honoured with the 2016 UGC Teaching Award by the University Grants Committee (UGC), in recognition of the excellent design and implementation of its General Education Foundation (GEF) Programme. The team leaders of the programme, Prof. LEUNG Mei-yee, Director of University General Education, Dr. Julie CHIU, Deputy Programme Director of GEF Programme and Dr. WONG Wing-hung, Associate Director of University General Education, are highly commended for their vision and leadership. The UGC has accepted team nominations for the teaching award starting this year to recognize the increasing importance of team teaching.

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  • 2016/09/8 00:00

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