Student Cultural Ambassadors Scheme (SCAS)
Presented by the Office of the Arts Administrator, the scheme provides diverse arts and cultural programmes for full-time CUHK students.
SCAS provides an extensive range of arts and cultural activities. We invite experienced artists from different fields regularly to give lectures,
workshops and sharing sessions for our members. Subsidies are available to our members who attend our selected arts performances and
The SCAS was established with the aim of promoting aesthetics and whole person development. We offer different kinds of arts
programmes and activities in order to strengthen our students’ artistic sensibilities and to give them positive and creative energy in their
life. As Student Cultural Ambassadors, they are encouraged to share their enjoyment of the arts with their peers.
Friends of the Arts (FTA)
.Ticket Subsidy by joining selected programmes
.Arts and cultural Talks
.Arts Sharing Sessions
.Group performances appreciation
.Priority in Arts Workshops
Student Cultural Ambassadors
.FTA members who are active and join the 2-days intensive training workshop will be eligible to upgrade as Student Cultural Ambassadors (SCA)
.SCA will have the same benefits of FTA with additional ticket subsidy
Full-time CUHK Students
Limited quota on a first-come-first-served basis
3943 1598 / 3943 7857
How to become Friends of the Arts
Fill in the application form below. Once you receive the confirmation email, bring your student ID card to Sir Run Run Shaw Hall to complete the registration