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耳鼻咽喉 – 頭頸外科學系系主任

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耳鼻咽喉 – 頭頸外科學系



香港醫學專科學院院士 (耳鼻喉科)


部分論文 (只有英文版本)

Doctorate Thesis
TONG MCF.  Otitis Media with Effusion in Chinese Preschool and School Children in Hong Kong: Is the Disease Different from that in the West?, 327 pages.  CurrentResearch@gateway, UMI publication; Year of publication: 2000; AAT9984621.  ISBN 0-599-91433-5.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

  1. TONG MCF; VAN HASSELT CA and WOO JKS.  The Hazards of Button Batteries in the Nose.  Journal of Otolaryngology 1992; 21(6): 458-460. 1992.
  2. TONG MCF; WOO JKS; SHAM CL and VAN HASSELT CA.  Ingested Foreign Bodies - A Contemporary Management Approach.  Journal of Laryngology & Otology 1995; 109:965-970. 
  3. TONG MCF; LAM JMK; HU BH and SANNA Mario.  The Use of the Gruppo Otologico Extended Translabyrinthine Techniques for the Treatment of Large Acoustic Neuromas: Clinical Experience in 36 Cases.  [唐志輝、藍明權、胡寶華、Mario Sanna.  應用擴大迷路入路技術治療巨大聽神經瘤36例. 中華耳鼻咽喉頭頸外科雜誌].  Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2005; 40(9):705-707.
  4. TONG MCF; YUE V; KU PKM; LO PSY; WONG EMC and VAN HASSELT CA.  Risk Factors for Otitis Media with Effusion in Chinese Schoolchildren: A Nested Case-Control Study and Review of the Literature.  International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2006; 70(2):213-219. 2006. 
  5. TONG MCF; LEUNG EKS; AU A; LEE W; YUE V; LEE KYS; CHAN VSW; WONG TKC; CHEUNG DMC and VAN HASSELT CA.  Age and Outcome of Cochlear Implantation for Patients with Bilateral Congenital Deafness in a Cantonese-Speaking Population.  Ear and Hearing 2007; 28(2)(April Supplement); 56S- 58S.
  6. TONG MCF; LO PSY; WONG KH; YEUNG RMW; VAN HASSELT CA; EREMENCO S and CELLA D.  Development and Validation of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy Nasopharyngeal Cancer Subscale.  Head & Neck 2009; 31(6); 738-747.
  7. LEE KYS; VAN HASSELT CA and TONG MCF.  Age Sensitivity in the Acquisition of Lexical Tone Production: An Evidence from Children with Profound Congenital Hearing Impairment after Cochlear Implantation.  Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 2010; 119(4):258-265.
  8. TONG MCF; LEE KYS; YUEN MTY and LO PSY.  Perceptions and Experiences of Post-Irradiation Swallowing Difficulties in Nasopharyngeal Cancer Survivors.  European Journal of Cancer Care 2011; 20(2); 170-178.
  9. TONG MCF; GAO H; LIN JSC; NG LKY, CHAN HS and NG SK.  One-Stop Evaluation of Globus Pharyngeus Symptoms with Transnasal Esophagoscopy and Swallowing Function Test.  Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 2012, 41(1):46-50.
  10. KAM, ACS.; LI, LKC; YEUNG, KNK; YU, WJ; HUANG ZW; WU H. and TONG, MCF.  Automated Hearing Screening for Preschool Children.  Journal of Medical Screening 2014; 21(2): 71-75. 

Undergraduate Teaching - MBChB
Postgraduate Research - MPhil, PhD, MD
Others - Certificate Course in Clinical Audiometry, MSc in Stroke and Clinical Neuroscience,
MSc in Perioperative Care of Minimal Access Surgery