- 醫學院助理院長 (研究)
- 內科及藥物治療學系副教授
- 消化疾病研究國家重點實驗室副教授
- 李嘉誠健康科學研究所臨床宏基因學組組長
- 敬文書院院務委員
- 內視鏡
- 腸道癌症
- 腸道感染性疾病
- 臨床宏基因組學
MBChB (CUHK)(Hons), DPhil (Oxon), FRCP (Edin), FRCPath, FHKCP, FHKAM (Medicine)
- 艱難梭狀芽孢杆菌感染
- 腸道癌症菌群
- 宿主微生物相互作用
- 國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金獎, 2019
- 香港內科醫學院青年學者研究獎, 2016, 2017及2018
- 青年夢想實踐家獎, 2017
- 裘槎助理教授席, 2013
- Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology副編輯
- Gut編輯委員會成員
- 香港內科醫學院聯絡小組委員會成員
- 內外全科醫學士環球醫學領袖培訓課程導師
- 內科及藥物治療學系研究生課程協調導師
- 敬文書院師友實習計劃委員會主席
- 敬文書院專題研習導師
部分論文 (只有英文版本)
- Kong KY, Kwong TNY, Chan H, Wong K, Wong SSY, Chaparala AP, Chan RCY, Zhang L, Sung JJY, Yu J, Hawkey PM, Ip M, Wu WKK, Wong SH. Biological characteristics associated with virulence in Clostridioides difficile ribotype 002 in Hong Kong. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2020;9(1):631-638.
- Wong SH, Hill AV, Vannberg FO. Genomewide association study of leprosy. N Engl J Med 2010;362(15):1446-7; author reply 47-8.
- Wong SH, Gochhait S, Malhotra D et al. Leprosy and the adaptation of human Toll-like receptor 1. PLoS Pathog 2010;6(7):e100097
- Wong SH, Ip M, Hawkey PM et al. High morbidity and mortality of Clostridium difficile infection and its associations with ribotype 002 in Hong Kong. J Infect 2016;73(2):115-22.
- Ho J, Dai RZW, Kwong TNY, Wang X, Zhang L, Ip M, Chan R, Hawkey PMK, Lam KLY, Wong MCS, Tse G, Chan MTV, Chan FKL, Yu J, Ng SC, Lee N, Wu JCY, Sung JJY, Wu WKK, Wong SH. Disease burden of Clostridium difficile infections in adults, Hong Kong, China, 2006-2014. Emerg Infect Dis 2017;23(10):1671-79.
- Kwong TNY, Wang X, Nakatsu G, Chow TC, Tipoe T, Dai RZW, Tsoi KKK, Wong MCS, Tse G, Chan MTV, Chan FKL, Ng SC, Wu JCY, Wu WKK, Yu J, Sung JJY, Wong SH. Association between bacteremia from specific microbes and subsequent diagnosis of colorectal cancer. Gastroenterology 2018;155(2):383-90 e8.
- Wong SH, Kwong TN, Chow TC et al. Quantitation of faecal Fusobacterium improves faecal immunochemical test in detecting advanced colorectal neoplasia. Gut 2017;66(8):1441-48.
- Wong SH, Zhao L, Zhang X et al. Gavage of fecal samples from patients with colorectal cancer promotes intestinal carcinogenesis in germ-free and conventional mice. Gastroenterology 2017;153(6):1621-33 e6.
- Wong SH, Wu WKK. Clinical applications of gut microbiota in cancer biology. Semin Cancer Biol. 2019;55:iii-iv.
- Wong SH, Yu J. Gut microbiota in colorectal cancer: mechanisms of action and clinical applications. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;16(11):690-704.