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More Alumni Stories

More Alumni Stories

More Alumni Stories




Healing and Heartbreak:
A Day in the Life of a Houseman...


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Honing Physician Leadership Skills with Heart

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Honing Physician Leadership Skills with Heart


Pioneering a Partnership Approach to Healthcare in Hong Kong

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Courage, Comfort and Care in the time of COVID-19

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Grace, Diligence and Perseverance under Pressure

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Dr. Ronald AU
(MBChB 1993)
Soaring to the Skies Keeps this Doctor Firmly Grounded and Balanced


Dr. Hing Sang CHAN
(MBChB 1998)
Flying Imbues a Sense of Humbleness and Huge Respect for Nature


Dr. Jimmy LI
(MBChB 1998)
Love for Windsurfing Triggers Opening of Student Sailing Club on Campus



Dr. Peter KWONG
(MBChB 1988)
A Summer Fling with Scuba Diving Unleashes Craving for More


Dr. Michael LEUNG  & Dr. Peter TAM
(MBChB 1991 & MBChB 1993)
Opportunity of a Lifetime


Dr. Lai Sheung PANG
(MBChB 1993)
Stay Committed as a Doctor Despite Life-changing Roles



Dr. Isaac YANG
(MBChB 2006)
Teachers of the Year Awards 2019



Dr. Karen MA
(MBChB 2011)
Teachers of the Year Awards 2019


Dr. Bonaventure IP
(MBChB 2012)
Teachers of the Year Awards 2019