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Collection of recorded webinars and discussions on COVID-19 by CU Medicine Researchers. 


Jun 24, 2020

[WHO - Western Pacific IPC Network Webinar Series]
Our Professor Liona POON was invited by WHO to take part in the Infection Prevention and Control Network Webinar Series to share information about medical imaging IPC considerations in the context of COVID-19.

John Hopkins Video - COVID-19 Conversations: Otolaryngology Alumnus Shares Insights from Hong Kong
Dr. Jason CHAN joined hands with John Hopkins experts to share experiences related to COVID-19. 

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May 11, 2020

Caring for Patients with Liver Disease during the COVID-19 Pandemic

May 4, 2020

Insight Forum x Professor E.K.Yeoh:
Containing COVID-19: When & What Normalcy will Return to Hong Kong?

Insight Forum x 楊永強教授: 對抗新冠

肺炎 - 香港何時及將會進入怎樣的「新常態」?

April 29, 2020

AIOS International Webinar on "Fighting Corona Crisis globally"
Prof. Clement THAM was invited to share with global ophthalmic community how CUHK & Hong Kong Eye Hospital protect staff and patients from COVID-19 in a virtual international webinar.

April 28, 2020

MedTech X COVID 19
In view of the recent spread of COVID-19, Chow Yuk Ho Technology Centre for Innovative Medicine of CUHK organised an online forum on how medical technology helps to tackle the current epidemic.

April 21, 2020

SDSN Hong Kong Webinar – From SARS to COVID-19 Pandemic: The Hong Kong Journey, and What Next

Our Professor Samuel WONG, Director of The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, was invited by The Hong Kong Chapter of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN Hong Kong) to share experience in HK in combating the epidemic.

April 20, 2020

Live Seminar on Epidemic Ethics: Why should ethics be front and centre to the response to COVID-19.? Is it?

Invited by World Health Organization PHEPREN (Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Ethics Network), our CCOUC Director Professor Emily CHAN joined hands with international experts to give a presentation in the live seminar with 300 participants from across the globe.

April 2, 2020

Webcast Series: Coronavirus Updates: Facts from Hong Kong and Beyond

How should we brace for another peak in COVID-19 as people return from high-risk areas to Hong Kong?

Hear from our Professor Daivd HUI, Chairman of the Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, who has clinical experience with SARS, MERS and various types of influenza.

March 12, 2020

COVID-19: Experience in our Hong Kong ICU

Dr Lowell LING, a Clinical Lecturer at Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, and colleagues from Hong Kong share their experience and thoughts on the COVID19 situation in Hong Kong with the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine.

February 27, 2020

Webcast Series: Coronavirus Updates: Facts from Hong Kong and Beyond

What is unique but not commonly known about the new coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Our Professor Paul CHAN, Clinical Professor and Chairman of the Department of Microbiology, was invited by Asia Society Hong Kong to share information on the new coronavirus (COVID-19).