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Undergraduate Studies


Students can apply for territory-wide, university, college and faculty based scholarships. The University and the Faculty of Medicine offer around 385 scholarships and awards to students who achieve academic excellence, demonstrate outstanding leadership, and perform dedicated extracurricular and community services. Nearly half of medical students received scholarships in 2017/18.
List of Scholarships


Financial Aids
Financial Aids
To help needy students meet part of the cost of their university education, the Government has made provisions for grants and loans through the Student Financial Assistance Agency. The University and the Faculty of Medicine also administer our own bursaries, loans and campus work schemes to registered local and non-local needy students. Students are advised to check the details of the financial aid schemes that are open for application, as well as the relevant application requirements and procedures from relevant websites throughout the year.
List of Financial Aids


Postgraduate Studies


Scholarships & Financial Support
The University also administers a number of scholarships and prizes, which are awarded on the basis of academic performance. Besides financial aid, Postgraduate Studentships are available in most Graduate Divisions for full-time students registered for research degree programmes.
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Student Sharing

I am incredibly privileged and honoured to be a recipient of the Dr. and Mrs. Tzu Leung Ho Outstanding Academic Awards. The awards that Dr.and Mrs. HO have so generously donated to the Faculty are fantastic examples of the standard of excellence that the Faculty of Medicine pursues and encourages its students to attain. I am very grateful for the mixture of financial support and recognition that their awards provide. As has always been the case, success in medical school has only been possible with the support of many others, especially our teachers. With the utmost gratitude, I would like to once again thank the many doctors and professors who taught us throughout the arduous journey of medical school and all family and friends who supported and guided us through various hardships.


Andrew John KWOK

I am honoured to receive the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship. This Scholarship empowers me to accept and create opportunities for others and myself. I thoroughly enjoyed my service trip to Morocco, conducting research in neuro-oncology and becoming certified in mental health first aid. In September 2018, I joined an eight-week Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy course for medical students. While my experiences remind me that confidence is the key to growth, leadership and service, they also remind me of the equal importance of humility in medicine. As my peers and I continue to explore man’s limitations and vulnerabilities in others, I hope to remember to explore the same in myself. I am very thankful for my family, peers, professors and mentors who have supported and helped me stretch into who I am today.


Tiffany YU

It is my greatest honour to be one of the recipients of the My Life in Medicine Award. Carrying forward the spirit bestowed in the Award of developing a genuine love for learning and pursuing excellence, this Award has encouraged me to explore the field of medicine in more ways than one. In the past year, I have participated in community outreach service programmes in addition to joining Advocate, a student-led platform aiming to share medical advancements with the public. In the summer of 2018, I also joined the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine at the University of Oxford for an eight-week internship, where I experienced the life of a researcher. None of these would have been possible without the Faculty of Medicine, which provided me with unimaginably valuable opportunities, especially to go abroad for a research attachment, and my supportive GPS mentor, who inspired me to go beyond my comfort zone and explore diverse fields of medicine. I am truly looking forward to the rest of my medical training and, together with my comrades, making a difference in the community as competent and compassionate medical professionals.


Maggie LAM