Planning ahead
To empower people with chronic progressive diseases and family members for advance care planning

Resource website on advance care planning.
Project Brief
The project comprises three components: community empowerment, capacity building, and resource development.
The project was conducted in collaboration with Hong Kong Christian Service and Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, with funding support from the Health Care and Promotion Fund, Food and Health Bureau, and CUHK Knowledge Transfer Fund.

Public education talk on advance care planning.

Training workshops were conducted for both professional and supporting staff involved in elderly care services.
Major Benefits
- Community empowerment
More than 50 public education talks were conducted with the support of District Elderly Community Centres, Neighbourhood Elderly Centres, residential care homes for the elderly, patient resources centres and patient support groups across different districts of Hong Kong. The talks not only raised the public awareness towards advance care planning, more importantly but also improved their readiness for communicating their care preferences with family members and health care providers.
- Capacity building
More than 600 professional staff and supporting staff involved in elderly care services and chronic disease management from various non-government organisations participated in the training workshops on advance care planning. The workshops enhanced the communication skills and confidence of staff members in facilitating advance care planning.
- Resources development
One webpage on advance care planning, two micro-movies to envision common issues related to end-of-life care in the local socio-medico-legal context and one video decision-making for advance care planning were developed as online resources available on YouTube for the community. The webpage was visited for over 7,000 times, and the videos were widely shared by social media and adopted by some health professionals in NGOs and hospitals for patient education and staff training.