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18 Outstanding Students Received 'Sin Wai Kin CUHK Golden Jubilee Scholarship in Arts, History and Philosophy'

23 JUL 2015

Professor Fok Tai-fai delivered a welcoming speech at the Ceremony.<br />
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Mr. Ng Wai-san represented the scholarship recipients to express their gratitude to Dr. Sin Wai-kin.<br />
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Scholarship recipients presented a thank you card to Dr. Sin Wai-kin and his family.<br />
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Professor Fok and Professor Leung presented souvenirs to Dr. Sin Wai-kin and his family to thank their unfailing support to the University.<br />
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(1st Left) Lam Pui-wai, Winnie (Chung Chi College/ English/ Year 2)<br />
(1st Right) Chan Yuen-kit, Fred (Shaw College / English / Year 4)<br />
(2nd Right) Cheng Ka-ying (United College / English / Year 1)<br />
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(1st Left) Ng Chi-lim (Graduate School /PhD Candidate in Chinese Language and Literature)<br />
(1st Right) Leung Wai-ching (United College /Chinese Language and Literature /Year 3)<br />
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(1st Left) Yiu Ka-yan (United College / Translation / Year 2)<br />
(1st Right) Wong Ho-yan (Chung Chi College/ Translation /Year 1)<br />
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(1st Left) Chung Man-wai, Myra (New Asia College, History, Year 3)<br />
(1st Right) Hui Wing-ho, Don (United College, History, Year 1)<br />
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(1st Left) Ng Wai-san (United College, Philosophy, Year 4)<br />
(1st Right) Wong Miu-wan (Chung Chi College, Philosophy, Year 3)<br />
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With the objective to recognize the outstanding academic performance of students from the Faculty of Arts, the 'Sin Wai Kin CUHK Golden Jubilee Scholarship in Arts, History and Philosophy' was established by Dr Sin Wai-kin, David, Chairman of Sin Wai Kin Foundation and Myer Jewelry Manufacturer Limited, in 2013 in the midst of the Golden Jubilee of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The 2nd Scholarship Presentation Ceremony was held on 23 July 2015 at the Chung Chi College Staff Club. The Ceremony was officiated by Professor Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Professor Leung Yuen-sang, Dean of Faculty of Arts, and Dr and Mrs Sin Wai-kin. Dr Sin's family was also invited to attend the Ceremony and meet with the scholarship recipients.

In his welcoming speech, Professor Fok Tai-fai thanked Dr Sin and his family for their long-standing support to the University. He also encouraged the scholarship recipients to embark on their journey of academic excellence.

Awardee Mr Ng Wai-san from the Department of Philosophy received the scholarship twice. In his vote of thanks, on behalf of all scholarship recipients, Mr Ng expressed their sincere gratitude to Dr Sin and his family for their generosity and recognition. He explained how the scholarship makes a difference to him, and is instrumental in pursuing his PhD degree in the United States. Mr Ng and other awardees presented a thank you card to Dr Sin and his family at the end of the ceremony.  

Eighteen undergraduate and postgraduate students from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, English, Translation, History and Philosophy have been selected to receive this distinguished award. Carrying the prestigious title of 'Sin Wai Kin CUHK Golden Jubilee Outstanding Students in Arts, History and Philosophy', the awardees achieved excellent academic performance, and actively participated in academic activities and community services.