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Associations & Activities

Associations & Activities

Whether you want to develop new skills, delve deeper into your studies or have fun and relax, associations and activities is a good chance for you!


At CU Medicine, you may start up your own association or participate in our different activities. Check out some of our many activities:




Asian Medical Students' Association Hong Kong (AMSAHK)

Founded in 2003 as the first interschool medical student organisation, AMSAHK's Executive Committee comprises 45 medical students in seven departments from CUHK and HKU. The student association organises and participates in events on local, regional and international scales, working as a founding national member organisation of AMSA International and the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations, as well as being recognised by both the World Health Organisation and the United Nations. With the aim of transforming ideas into action, AMSAHK advocates the importance of scientific research, global exchange, public health and medical education, hosting various activities and events throughout each academic year. The organisation hopes to improve local awareness of prevalent healthcare issues, and expose local students to the international healthcare community. Overall, AMSAHK works to bridge the gap between medical students and healthcare professionals through actively contributing to public health promotion and policy making.


Medical Outreachers (MOHK)

Comprised of medical students from CUHK and HKU, Medical Outreachers Hong Kong (MOHK) is a non-governmental organisation committed to “Reach Out, Create and Inspire“ to serve ethnic minorities in Hong Kong and those without medical support in the remote suburban China or Nepal communities. Focusing on long-term projects designed to make a lasting, sustainable impact, MOHK helps volunteers reflect on the human side of medicine while empowering them to take action now to alleviate the suffering of fellow human beings.


MEDEGG Production

Founded in 2001, MEDEGG’s Production is a non-profit drama society comprised solely of medical students. Handling all aspects of creating a drama production, from directing, acting and doing make-up, to light and sound effects, marketing and constructing sets and props, medical students work as a team and develop their artistic talents and organisational skills together. MEDEGG stages their Annual Production in January and Summer Production in July. The crew also takes part in the annual CUHK Drama Competition. MEDEGG has been enriching CUHK medical students’ life for almost two decades, providing a channel for students to demonstrate their creativity and come together as a team, forming bonds and friendships to carry them through the rigours of medical school. .