MAE Vlog Competition
4 Jan, 2021

The MAE Department is holding a Vlog competition this year! If you are a MAE undergraduate student and interested in making vlogs, don’t hesitate to join the competition! You may win up to HK$3000 cash coupon!

Details of the Vlog Competition are as follow,

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  1. MAEG students
  2. EEEN students


  • All undergraduate students in the Department of MAE

Vlog Theme and Content:

  • The life of a MAEG/EEEN undergraduate student
    • Learning experience (face-to-face and/or online learning)
    • MAE related activities
    • Campus life
    • Course project (if applicable)

Vlog Language:

  • Cantonese or English only


5 Prizes in total

  • MAEG First Prize: HK$3,000 cash coupon
  • MAEG Second Prize: HK$2,000 cash coupon
  • EEEN First Prize: HK$3,000 cash coupon
  • EEEN Second Prize: HK$2,000 cash coupon
  • Best Liked Video Prize: HK$1,000 cash coupon

Judging Criteria:

  1. MAEG and EEEN First and Second Prizes
  • Content must be related to the Competition Theme (40%)
  • Creativity (30%)
  • Filming and video quality (30%)
  1. Best Liked Video Prize
  • Video that received the most likes on YouTube before the closing date (22 March, 2021 at 12:00 noon)

Submission Format:

  1. Must upload the video on YouTube
  2. Must fill in the submission form:
  3. Resolution 720p or higher

Important Dates:

21 February, 2021: Video Submission Deadline

10 March, 2021: First and Second Prizes Release

22 March, 2021 12:00 noon: Closing date for Best Liked Video

23 March, 2021: Best Liked Video Prize Release

26 March, 2021: Collect Prizes

Rules and Regulations:

  1. The Vlog video recommended length is 5-10 mins.
  2. The language of the video: Cantonese or English only.
  3. Entrants must appear in the video in order for it to be considered.
  4. The title of the video must contain
    a) CUHK; AND
    bi) MAE (if you are students from the MAEG Programme); OR
    bii) EEEN (if you are students from EEEN Programme)
  1. Must include the following in the description box
  1. Resolution 720p or higher.
  2. Entrants must not infringe anyone else’s copyright or intellectual property.
  3. Entrants must ensure all provided information in the video to be genuine and correct.
  4. Entrants must refrain from using obscene, violent, pornographic, insulting, provocative and inappropriate language or content.
  5. After submission, the entry should not be modified, exchanged or returned.
  6. 2 winners of each division should provide the original file of the winning video in MP4 format to the Department for promotional use.
  7. Entrants shall grant the usage rights, including renaming, copying, editing, distributing, broadcasting of parts or/and all footage of the entry to the Department of MAE.
  8. The Department of MAE reserves the right to use details of the winning vlog on its own social media channels for promotion purposes.
  9. The Department of MAE has full authority to make final decisions in all matters related to this competition, including the terms and regulations, prizes and other arrangements without prior notification.
  10. Entrants are believed to accept the above terms and regulations once submitting the entry. Any violation of the terms and regulations may result in disqualification from the competition. There is no appeal mechanism in this competition.


Miss Meg Wong

Tel: 3943 7026


Miss June Au

Tel: 3943 8044
