Academic Visitors

Every year, scholars from different parts of the world come to our Department and the Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Their active participation and provision of expertise in our seminars, courses and other academic events have contributed substantially to our Department’s research and academic programmes.

Duration Name Affiliation Host
2018-12-05 to 2018-12-09 Dr. Alfred MA Celestial Asia Securities Holdings Limited Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-05 to 2018-12-09 Prof. Furong LIN Shantou University Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-05 to 2018-12-08 Prof. Roland GLOWINSKI University of Houston Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-05 to 2018-12-08 Prof. Qiang ZHANG City University of Hong Kong Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-05 to 2018-12-08 Dr. Guojian Yin Sun Yat-sen University and The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-05 to 2018-12-08 Prof. Hong YAN City University of Hong Kong Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-05 to 2018-12-08 Prof. Xue Cheng TAI Hong Kong Baptist University Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-05 to 2018-12-08 Prof. Daniel POTTS Chemnitz University of Technology Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-05 to 2018-12-08 Prof. Wai Ki CHING The University of Hong Kong Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-05 to 2018-12-08 Prof. Xiaojun CHEN Hong Kong Polytechnic University Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-05 to 2018-12-08 Prof. Andrew WATHEN University of Oxford Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-04 to 2018-12-11 Prof. Jin Yun YUAN Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-04 to 2018-12-10 Prof. Nicola MASTRONARDI Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Bari Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-04 to 2018-12-09 Prof. Yimin WEI Fudan University Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-04 to 2018-12-09 Prof. VAN BAREL Marc KU Leuven Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-04 to 2018-12-09 Prof. Nick TREFETHEN University of Oxford Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-04 to 2018-12-09 Prof. Min TAO Nanjing University Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-04 to 2018-12-09 Prof. Peter P. T. TANG Intel Corporation Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-04 to 2018-12-09 Prof. Lothar REICHEL Kent State University Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
2018-12-04 to 2018-12-09 Prof. Rongjie LAI Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN