Termination of Novell Academic License Agreement (ALA) on 30 Sep 2016
Project Name Termination of Novell Academic License Agreement (ALA) on 30 Sep 2016
Go Live Date 2016-09-30

The Novell ALA covers a number of applications, and the main services are shared drive and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.

Due to newer technologies and a significant decline in the number of users, the University will stop paying the license fee on 30 September 2016.

Serving User Groups Departments

Under this license termination, departments have options to

  1. Continue to use Novell products.
    Departments will pay for the annual subscription fee. This option is applicable for both shared drive and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server usage.
  2. Use Microsoft’s Active Directory as your shared drive
    For shared drive usage, our recommendation is to move your files to Microsoft’s Active Directory. The use of this product is free because it is covered by the campus site license. It is also a very popular product used in many large corporations. Your unit will only pay for the Windows Server. If you support student self-owned devices, you’ll additionally purchase a student external connector license.
Status Update
  • February 2016: Coorindate with Deparments on Preparing Sunset Plan
  • 8 December 2015: Meeting with LAN administrators to brief the impact
  • 26 November 2015: Meeting with IT Coordinators to brief the impact
  • October 2015: Survey with LAN administrators to access the usage
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