Lecture Notes
- Milnor, Topology from differentiable viewpoint
- Milnor, Differential Topology
- Greenberg, Algebraic Topology
- Bott & Tu, Differential forms in algebraic topology
- Milnor, Morse theory (not ready)
- Griffiths & Morgan, Rational homotopy theory & differential forms (not ready)
- Clemens, A scrapbook of complex curve theory
- Fulton & Harris, Finite groups
- Brocker & tom Dieck, Representation of compact Lie groups
- Lawson, Spin Geometry, Ch 1
- Milnor, Characteristic classes, App C
- Atiyah-Bott, Equivariant cohomology (paper)
- Lawson, Spin Geometry, Ch 2
Last updated: March 11, 2017 17:05:27