Eduroam / WiFi Partnership Program Website Unstable on 24 Aug
Users Affected CUHK staff or students who log in Eduroam / the website of CUHK Wi-Fi Hotspot Partnership Program
Start Time 24 Aug 2020 (Mon) 7:00AM
End Time 24 Aug 2020 (Mon) 8:30AM
Cause Server Upgrade
Service Affected During the upgrade period, CUHK users might SOMETIMES find UNABLE to

  1. visit the website of CUHK Wi-Fi Hotspot Partnership Program
  2. set up account or reset password for CUHK Wi-Fi Hotspot Partnership Program
  3. log in or start connecting to WiFi SSID=Eduroam among different institutions. Connected users of Eduroam are not affected. Please consider connecting to Eduroam before the upgrade conducts.
Status Scheduled