Dear students
The Department is now calling for application for the Resona Group Award (formerly called Daiwa Bank Award) for Japanese Studies/Cultural Exchange Programme in Japan in 2016-2017. Please refer to below for details.
The Awards:
8 awards of $10,000 each
(1) full time Department of Japanese Studies Major or Minor students
(2) have attained a Cumulative GPA of 3.3 or above up to Term 2 of 2015/2016
(3) have been selected for a Japanese Studies/Cultural Exchange Programme in Japan in 2016-2017
The award will be offered on the basis of:
(1) academic performance
(2) leadership quality and participation in extra-curricular activities; and
(3) applicants’ proposed study plan/exchange progarmme
Each awardee is required to submit a report upon completion of the overseas programme to donor via OAFA.
If you are interested to apply for this award, please complete and return the following to the General Office before 5:00 p.m. on 6 June 2016.
(1) Completed resume form attached
(2) Your study plan on Resona-form A attached (Resona-formsA & formB.1617.doc.)
(3) Completed list of extra-curricular activities and/or community service on Resona-form B attached (Resona-formsA & formB.1617.doc.)
(4) Proof of admission from exchange university in Japan.
(5) Transcript up to Term 2, 2015-2016 (copy downloaded from CUSIS is acceptable)
(6) Transcript from previous exchange programme, if any, together with explanation notes of the grading system
Kitty Choi
Department of Japanese Studies