Decommissioning of Simplified Chinese Translation Service on HanWeb 3.2
HanWEB 3.2 (installed at runs on Win Server 2008. Informed by the vendor that there is no upgrade path for HanWEB 3.2 to run on other Win Server version. For security reason, HanWEB 3.2 will therefore be decommissioned on 2 Jan 2020 before Win Server 2008 reaches its end of support.
For Simplified Chinese Translation Service, if your homepage is residing on
CUHK Web Server –
The impact should be minimal. The service will be continued through HanWEB 6.0
UAT is now being carried out by ITSC. Departments will be invited to understand the service and join the test in early May.
Other Servers:
HanWEB 6.0 requires a per domain subscription and is an option for departments. Departments can continue to subscribe the service by submitting the order to ITSC before 18 Nov 2019. Or, select other translation service such as the one provided through your content management system.
ITSC will continue communicating with department IT support for the change. Latest update would be posted in here.