MMAT5011 - Analysis II - 2014/15
- Final Exam will take place during 7 - 9:15 pm, Apr 21, in the usual classroom (Wu Ho Man Yuen Bldg 408).
- Midterm 2 covers the course material of Weeks 1-11 (with emphasis on Weeks 7 - 11).
- Midterm 1 covers the course material of Weeks 1-6.
General Information
CHAN Ping Shun
- Office: LSB 202A
- Email:
- Office Hours: By Appointment
Teaching Assistant
YU Rongfeng
- Office: Room 614, AB1
- Tel: 39434109
- Email:
- Office Hours: T5-6, W5-7, H5-7
Time and Venue
- Lecture: 6:30PM - 9:15PM Wu Ho Man Yuen Bldg 408
Course Description
This course is designed for the M.Sc. Programme in Mathematics. The prerequisite of this course is the mathematical contents of Analysis I. The course is intended to provide basic and fundamental knowledge of modern analysis involving limits and various notions of convergence in the context of metric/normed vector/Hilbert spaces as well as the vector Lp spaces.
- Introductory functional analysis with applications, Erwin Kreyszig.
- An introduction to Hilbert space, Nicholas Young
Lecture Notes
- Homework 1 (due Feb 3, 9:15 pm)
- Homework 2 (due Mar 17, 9:15 pm)
- Homework 3 REVISED 2 (due Apr 14, 9:15 pm)
Quizzes and Exams
Assessment Scheme
Homeworks Assignments | 5% | |
Test 1 (Feb 17 in-class 1 hour) | 20% | |
Test 2 (Mar 24 in-class 1 hour) | 20% | |
Final Exam (Apr 21, 7 - 9:15 pm) | 55% |
Honesty in Academic Work
The Chinese University of Hong Kong places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on cheating and plagiarism. Any related offence will lead to disciplinary action including termination of studies at the University. Although cases of cheating or plagiarism are rare at the University, everyone should make himself / herself familiar with the content of the following website: thereby help avoid any practice that would not be acceptable.
Last updated: July 27, 2015 16:39:16