MATH6042 - Topics in Differential Equations II - 2020/21
Course Name:
Course Year:
- Here is the summary of course: [Download file]
- Arrangement of final report: [Download file]
General Information
Prof. Renjun DUAN
- Office: LSB 206
- Tel: 39437977
- Email:
Time and Venue
- Lecture: Th 2:30PM - 5:15PM (Online; For the zoom information, see the summary of course in announcement)
Pre-class Notes
- Review by Villani in 2002
- Review by Villani-Mouhot in 2015
- Spatially homogeneous equation (Book Chapter)
- A note by Bressan
- Summary work by Ukai
- Vacuum problem
- Renormalized solution by DiPerna-Lions
- Book chapter by Ukai
- Note by Golse
Lecture Notes
- Lecture 1: Introduction
- Lecture 2: Spatially homogeneous theory
- Lecture 3: Spectral theory
- Appendix of Lecture 3: About linearization
- Lecture 4: Spatially inhomogeneous theory
- Appendix of Lecture 4: A new solution space
- Lecture 5: Applications of Fourier transform
- Appendix of Lecture 5: Regularity
- Lecture 6: Asymptotic analysis
Class Notes
Useful Links
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Assessment Policy Last updated: March 18, 2021 18:12:48