Research Programmes

Aims and Background

Established in 1973, our MPhil degree programme prepares students for further studies in mathematics and related fields at postgraduate level. Some graduates have also become high school teachers and industry professionals.

Established in 1988, our PhD degree programme cultivates competent researchers in mathematics for academia and industrial research and development.

Since 2004, qualified undergraduate degree holders and MPhil students may opt for our Accelerated MPhil-PhD degree programme to study for a PhD directly. It is more demanding on the student and requires a recommendation from the prospective supervisor apart from typical application procedures. The curriculum is the same as for our PhD degree programme.

Fields of Specialization

Algebra and Number Theory
Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Number Theory, Classical Groups, Algebraic Manifolds, Moduli of Algebraic Manifolds and Hodge Theory.
Convex Analysis and Nonsmooth Optimization, Fractals and Wavelets, Harmonic Analysis, Operator Algebra.
Computational Mathematics
Numerical Analysis, Applied Algebra, Image Processing, Optimization, Inverse Problems.
Geometry and Topology
Differential Geometry, Several Complex Variables, Nonlinear Analysis on Manifolds.
Partial Differential Equations
Geometric Partial Differential Equations, Continuum Mechanics, Kinetic Theory and Equations of Hyperbolic Type.

Programme Information

Programme Code MAT
Mode of Attendance Full-time Part-time
Period of Study (Normative)

MPhil: 2 years

PhD: 36 months for research Master's degree holders; 48 months otherwise

MPhil: 3 years

PhD: 48 months for research Master's degree holders; 64 months otherwise

Tuition Fee HK$42,100 per annum HK$42,100 per annum
Admission Requirements

The applicant should satisfy at least one of the following conditions:

  • Graduated from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelor's degree, normally with honours not lower than Second Class;
  • Graduated from an honours programme of a recognized university with a Bachelor's degree, normally achieving an average grade of not lower than "B";
  • Completed a course of study in a tertiary educational institution and obtained professional or similar qualifications equivalent to an honours degree;
  • Have a Master's degree from a recognized university;
  • Obtained the approval of a member of the teaching staff at our Department or at IMS to be the applicant's supervisor.

In addition to requirements on Postgraduate Admissions as well, applicants are normally required to attend an interview. Results of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) subject test in Mathematics may be required.
Graduation Requirements
  • Students must complete all requirements of their programme. Please refer to the curricula for MPhil and PhD.
  • Students must pass the University's IT Proficiency Test.
  • Students must pass the Improving Postgraduate Learning (IPL) course "Observing Intellectual Property and Copyright Law during Research".
Admission Advisor Prof. Dejun Feng
Funding Nature Financial aid available
Application Deadlines

MPhil: 29 January 2021

PhD (under HKPFS): 1 December

PhD (not under HKPFS): Year-round application
