
Upcoming Conferences

26th International Domain Decomposition Conference, DD XXVI 7-12 December 2020

Past Conferences

CUHK Mathematics Alumni International Conference 5-7 June 2019
International Conference on Scientific Computing 5-8 December, 2018
Workshop on Fractal geometry and Related Topics 4-5 May, 2018
Workshop on Geometric Analysis and General Relativity 12-16 January, 2018
Workshop on Optimization in Scientific Computing 21-23 June, 2017
Workshop on Viscous Conservation Laws 9-13 January, 2017
Quivers, Cluster Algebras and Mathematical Physics 19-22 December, 2016
The 5th CAM-ICCM Workshop: Multiscale and Large-scale Scientific Computing 18-20 June, 2016
East Asian Symplectic Conference 2015 in Hong Kong 02-06 November, 2015
Workshop on Frontiers in Computational and Applied Mathematics
(in honor of Professor Hong-ci Huang on his 80th birthday)
20 September, 2015
International Conference on Inverse Problems and Optimal Control 04-06 December, 2014
International Workshop on Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
(in honour of the 75th birthday of Prof. Robert Plemmons)
17-18 November, 2013
The International Workshop on Scientific Computing for Young Chinese Mathematicians 15-17 March, 2013
Workshop on Complex Algebraic Geometry (including Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium) 18-20 January, 2013
International conference on Advances on Fractals and Related Topics 10-14 December, 2012
Conference on Calabi-Yau and G2 Geometry 19 July, 2012
International Conference on Jordan Theory, Analysis and Related Topics 30 April - 4 May, 2012
Public Lecture: Geometry Appreciation - In Memory of Professor Stephen Salaff 10 March, 2012
Public Lecture: Prime numbers and symmetry by Professor Jiu-Kang YU 15 February, 2012
Workshop on Fractals and Related Fields 11 February, 2012
International Conference on Scientific Computing 4-7 January, 2012
International Workshop on Geometry and Mathematical Physics 21-22 October, 2011
The Third Workshop on Numerical Algebra and High Performance Computation 2011 26-27 March, 2011
The Croucher Foundation Advanced Study Institute - Recent Developments in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: Part I 28 February - 5 March, 2011
Virtual Institute of Imaging Sciences and Applications (VIISA) Workshop on Medical Imaging 31 August, 2010
International Conference on Inverse Problems 26-29 April, 2010
International Workshop on Inverse Problems 23-24 April, 2010
Workshop in Algebraic Geometry and Mathematical Physics 28-30 April, 2008
Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Analysis on Fractals 26-27 April, 2008
International Conference on Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Hong Kong 2007 17-21 December, 2007
IMS Workshop on Scientific Computing 2006 20-22 December, 2006
Workshop on Functional Analysis and Optimization Theory
(In Honour of Professor K.F. Ng as a Celebration of His Retirement)
14-15 December, 2006
The First International Summer School on Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA2006) 17 July - 5 August, 2006
The Third International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (ICCM 2004) 17-22 December, 2004
International Conference on Parallel Algorithms and Computing Environments (ICPACE) 8-11 October, 2003
Workshop on the Development of Numerical Mathematics in China 2-3 October, 2003
Half-Day Workshop on Scientific Computing 18 January, 2003
The Sixth Pacific Rim Geometry Conference 16-19 December, 2002
ICM-2002 Satellite Conference in Algebra and Related Topics 14-17 August, 2002
International Conference on Structured Matrices 29 May - 1 June, 2002
Mini-workshop On Localized Structures: Interfaces and Spikes 28 May, 2002
Workshop on Scientific Computing 14 December, 2001
Workshop on Fractals and Dynamical Systems 4-8 December, 2000
Workshop on Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 27-31 March, 2000
Workshop on Scientific Computing 27-30 June, 1999
Workshop on Fractals 3-29 May, 1999
International Congress in Algebras and Combinatorics 19-23 August, 1997
Workshop on CR Manifolds 17-20 June, 1997