Undergraduate Admission

We admit undergraduate students via two lines, each with its own benefits. The Admission Lines below outlines several study paths for students.

Applicants of any background may apply through both lines simultaneously, including residents of Hong Kong, mainland Chinese, overseas foreigners, and graduating local or international school students. However, applicants' backgrounds determine their Admission Channels.

Irrespective of admission line, students are expected to graduate after four years in one of our undergraduate programmes. The University's Mathematics programmes include MATH and its streams, and the two interdisciplinary programmes MIEG and BMED. By specializing in a programme or stream, students may embark on a fulfilling undergraduate journey.

An introduction to Mathematics programmes

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Admission Lines

Successful applicants are directly admitted to the Department of Mathematics. This line is for applicants who have decided to take mathematics seriously, with a strong inclination to graduate in the Enrichment Stream. See BSc in Mathematics for details.

Students admitted through this line may focus more on mathematics courses in their first year of study, building a solid foundation in theoretical mathematics. Those who satisfy certain criteria will be granted the Mathematics Scholarship, which has no limit on the number of awardees.

Students may also apply to enter the Science Faculty first and then declare Mathematics as their major in their first or second year of study. They must demonstrate basic mathematical competence. There is no limit on student intake via this line.

This line is for applicants intending to explore their interests, strengths, and possible pathways early in university. Apart from concentrations in MATH, they may consider a second major or strong minor in another subject.

See BSc in Mathematics for details.

See BSc in Mathematics and Information Engineering for the curriculum.

Upon completing their first year of study, students admitted through the Enrichment Mathematics (JS4682) line may switch to MIEG on a competitive basis.

Alternatively, applicants may first enter CUHK's Engineering programme (JS4401). At the end of their first year of study, they may declare MIEG on a competitive basis.

In either case, prospective MIEG students must declare MIEG before their second year of attendance.

On top of opportunities in MATH, MIEG students enjoy privileges exclusive to the Faculty of Engineering, including but not limited to access to engineering laboratories for coursework, work-study programmes, internships, research opportunities, competitions, scholarships and – for top students with great expectations – the ELITE stream.

Please be reminded that MIEG students are not eligible for the Engineering and Business Administration (ERG-BBA) double degree programme offered by the Faculty of Engineering.

Admission Channels

JUPAS (Joint University Programmes Admissions System)

This admission channel is for residents of Hong Kong. Local secondary school students may apply on the strength of HKDSE results. Visit this site for detailed procedures.

Applicants must have taken a minimum of four core (C) and two elective (X, including M1/M2) subjects (4C+2X or 4C+1X+M1/M2). They must also have attained at least 3 for Chinese Language, 3 for English Language, 2 for Mathematics and 2 for Liberal Studies. In addition to satisfying the minimum University requirements, the minimum requirements for specific programmes are listed below.

Programme Mathematics

(Module 1 or 2)

Enrichment Mathematics (JS4682) Level 4 Level 4
  • Any one of the following subjects with Level 3:
    Biology / Chemistry / Physics / Combined Science / Economics / Geography / ICT / Integrated Science / Technology and Living (Food Science & Technology)
Broad-based Admission Scheme under the Faculty of Science (JS4601) Nil Nil
  • Any one of the following subjects with Level 3:
    ​M1 or M2 / Biology / Chemistry / Physics / Combined Science / Integrated Science
  • Any one subject in Category A with Level 3


To apply on the strength of other qualifications, such as GCE-AL, IB, SAT, a higher diploma or an Associate Degree, visit this site for detailed procedures.

Successful applicants are only admitted under the Broad-based Admission Scheme under the Faculty of Science. Prospective students need to declare Mathematics as their major in their first year of study.

Mainland Students

Applicants from mainland China shall apply through JEE (中華人民共和國普通高等學校聯合招生考試) on the strength of their Gaokao (內地高考). They will be admitted under the Broad-based Admission Scheme and declare Mathematics as their major in their first year of study. Visit this site for details.

International Students

Applicants from places other than Hong Kong or mainland China shall apply through this channel. Visit this site for details.