From: qesiwepandub1990w <> Sent: 29 Jun 2020 (Mon) 1:51PM Subject: Irreversible consequences for you
Consume online content for adult on web-sites of ill repute.
You read the msg as u My badware has infected your computer that is why u read thru this letter.
The principletask of my virus is the turning on of ur webcam and covert footage of vids.
Ur beat off has been caught on video utilizing ur webcam and now I have the leverage on you and I’m gonna present the video to all ur contacts from your mail.
I will let u an opportunity to move away from the deadlock and save ur reputation.
You should transfer 0,17 BTC to bc1qqml73pesc22d9nzg6f628g6ftequ89yme77hzp wallet in the period of 24 hours after read this notice (I’ll be notified) and I assure you that I will delete all ur shocking dirt.
You may ignore the requirements, then within 48 h all your loved ones will see you arouse sexually.
Reputation is the major thing in human life and it will be really bad to lose ur reputation in front of your relatives.
Do not write here, it is hacked and I soon will lose access to it.