From: m21chan @ [mailto:m21chan @] ; Sent: Fri 26 Oct 2018 4:51PM Subject: Your order #6923473149 XXX is ready
This is electronic copy of your e-ticket.
You must print out the PDF document to gain entry to the event. The PDF document is your ticket. This email is not valid for entry to the event.
Your eTickets may display the name of the original purchaser. This is a common method of ticketing. Rest assured that all eTickets are transferable and the attendee’s name does not need to match the name on the ticket.
If your order summary indicates that you purchased mobile tickets, you must show the tickets on your smartphone to gain entry to your event.
If there is an issue at the venue, call us immediately at 805-033-0776.
Enjoy the event!
Thank you,
The Stop and Shop Team
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