(Resolved) Microsoft Advisories about .Docx email attachments are mistakenly marked as malware on 3 Jul
The following provides the summary of Microsoft Advisories issued on 3 Jul 2020 (Fri) which caused some users fail to send/receive .Docx email attachments.
Users Affected
Some staff & students
Start Time
3 Jul 2020 (Fri) 8:50AM
End Time
4 Jul 2020 (Sat) 1:00AM
Microsoft issued the root cause as “An XML file present in .docx files was mistakenly blacklisted, causing all .docx files to be blocked. “.
Service Affected
Users may see legitimate .docx email attachments mistakenly marked as malware and may be unable to open attachments.
Microsoft confirmed that the remaining documents have been released and the issue is now resolved.
They’re reviewing how the XML file was mistakenly blacklisted to prevent similar impact in the future.