Phishing Alert: Be safe

Report Phishing Email to ITSC
Guide to Handle Phishing Email

Here is how the phishing email looks.


From: George Alexandru <alexjoe0404@gmail.com>
Sent: 28 Jun 2020 (Sun) 1:48PM
Subject: Be safe


To protect ur puter against getting a virus you don’t have to consume online content for adult on doubtful sites..
You are reading thru this letter as u My malicious programme infected ur PC hence you are reading through this msg.
My programme records undercover vids using ur webcam.
I noticed that you enjoy arouse sexually and now I’m going to send the vid to all your enquiries from your email.
I will let you an opportunity to emerge from the deadlock and protect ur reputation.
U must transfer 0.13 Bitcoin to bc1qepqtggg68nzawkuzwvd8dmxcfep9gra8g24ts9 wallet during 24 h after you opened the message (my system will send me a notification) and I assure u that I will sweep off all your horrific dirty laundry.
If I will not be compensated within 24 h, within forty-eight hours I am going to distribute your jerk off vid to all ur contacts as well as share this video on social networks.
It’s up to you whether ur prestige is important in front of ur family.
It’s senselessly to beg me, this email is hacked and soon the access to it will be denied.