Office 365 Mail for Staff – Service Interruption on 23 Mar 2017 [Resumed]
Users Affected Office 365 Mail Staff Users
Start Time 22 March 2017 10:22PM
End Time 23 March 2017 12:00noon
Cause The root cause is being studied
Service Affected Some users might experience the following

  • Fail to access Office 365 Mail through Office 365 Portal or any email clients
  • Senders would receive bound back notification
  • Users are asked to set up timezone and language at Office 365 Portal on their first use after the service resumed
  • Email forwarding setting was lost
Status Service gradually resumed starting from 23 March 8am.

The incident was first reported on 23 March 7am. And a solution was then applied on system side and it took a few hours to resume the service.

It’s further reported that forwarding settings of some user accounts could not be resumed. If you have set up forwarding in O365 Mail and didn’t receive emails in the expected mailbox recently, please examine your email setting and set up the forwarding address again whereas appropriate.