E-mail Fraud (Phishing) Alert: Overdue notice

Report Phishing Email to ITSC
Guide to Handle Phishing Email

Here is how the phishing email looks.


From: CUHK Library <xxx@cuhk.edu.hk>
Sent: 1 Nov 2019 (Mon) 11:49M
Subject: Overdue notice


Renewing items allows you to extend the original loan period for an item already checked out by you. The overdue fine will be charged to your account if you do not renew the borrowed items and can be settled when you come to the library. Renewing items online is easy and quick, simply follow the steps below:

1. Logon to your My Library Record;
2. Click “LOANS”;
3. Click “RENEW ALL” to renew all checked out items.

For each successful renewal, the word “RENEWED” will appear together with the new due date. Please contact a circulation staff if you have any problems.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong
Main: 3943 xxxx