Temporary Service Suspension within Learning Commons
更新時間: 2016年12月28日 6:34PM
學習共享空間Learning Commons 現已回復電力供應,並已於5:30PM再次開放,電腦設備亦於6:30PM回復正常。
Learning Commons has been re-opened at 5:30pm with power restored. PC service is also resumed at 6:30PM.
更新時間: 2016年12月28日 5:47PM
學習共享空間Learning Commons 現已回復電力供應,並已於5:30PM再次開放,但由於部分電腦設備於電力恢復後未能正常運作,ITSC 正搶修電腦服務,現僅提供WiFi 及打印服務。不便之處,敬請原諒。
Learning Commons has been re-opened at 5:30pm with power restored. As PC service cannot be back to normal after power restored, we are fixing the problem and providing only WiFi and printing service within the area at this moment. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
更新時間: 2016年12月28日 10:00AM
由於電力故障,學習共享空間Learning Commons 現時需暫時關閉,並於電力恢復後再次開放。不便之處,敬請原諒。 Due to power outage, Learning Commons is temporarily closed. We will be open again once the power is restored. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.